Changelog: 5/10 — Updates and New Topics

Recent updates on Saber Archive

Singletons Going Steady
Saber Archive


Before diving into this changelog, I’d like to say thank you. The reaction to Saber Archive has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to everyone who’s come with suggestions and praise.

Now that Saber Archive is live and has put some daylight between its launch and this post, I think it’s time to start an informal public changelog. The goal of these posts is to enumerate new features and topics added since the last update. Let’s get to it:

  1. Paywall indication on posts. When adding content, you can now indicate if it’s behind a paywall. This feature was added to prevent any surprises when continuing from Saber Archive to the publisher’s site.
  2. New topics from community suggestions: Leagues, including MLB, Minors, and International; minor league equivalencies (under Minor Leagues); pitch selection; game theory; travel and scheduling; game-to-game performance. Please tweet @saberarchive with new suggestions.
  3. Random post button. This feature should be self-explanatory.
  4. Better date picker. Instead of relying on free-form date input, the “Add Document” view now uses a datepicker UI. If your browser supports the HTML5 “date” input type, we’ll use that. If not, clicking the calendar icon or input will display a calendar widget. This should eliminate errorless date problems in the submission process.

Additionally, the text search algorithm has been adjusted for (ideally) better results. If you’re seeing wonky or questionable results, please get in touch via Twitter (@saberarchive).

Thanks for reading, and as always, contribute early and often.



Singletons Going Steady
Saber Archive

Hi, I’m Matt. I make Wiggle Hunt and help with Pitching Plus. I’m also VPE at Muck Rack. Ex Pitchfork, Condé Nast.