The Perfect Agenda for Prince Harry and the Queen’s Meeting

The Royals have prepared agendas for their one-to-one meetings in CoachBot.

Marina Sancho
Saberr Blog
2 min readJan 14, 2020


There have been two noteworthy public announcements so far this year.

  1. #Megxit
  2. Saberr is releasing a new version of CoachBot which puts managers at the forefront of the user experience, making it easier for them to lead their teams.

For some strange reason the media has fixated on the former ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Today all eyes were on the negotiations taking place between Harry, Meghan and the Queen. As experts on teamwork and difficult conversations, we feel best placed to advise… but since HRH hasn’t asked for our help, we’ve set up a CoachBot account for the Royal Family and created agendas for their upcoming conversations.

Conveniently, CoachBot is remote-friendly so Megs won’t have any trouble joining in from Canada. Thank us later Lilibet.

Agenda for meetings between Meghan, Harry and the Queen.

‍The Royals would just need to dedicate a few minutes before their meeting thinking about what they want to get out of it and adding some talking points into CoachBot, to create a shared agenda, as shown below.

But let’s face it. Even with CoachBot’s help, one meeting isn’t going to solve everything.

‍We suggest setting up a 1 hour meeting with the Dukes of Cambridge, Dukes of Sussex and HRH to agree on the Royal Family’s new purpose statement and some behavioural norms, with CoachBot facilitating the discussions. We imagine the output may look something like this…

The Royal Family has a new purpose statement and some new behaviours.

Get in touch to learn how CoachBot can help your managers.



Marina Sancho
Saberr Blog

Passion for teamwork. Helping managers coach their teams.