What Should You Include in An Article/Journal Critique?

Sable Mc’Oneal
Sable University Writing Tips
2 min readSep 17, 2018

From time to time, you may be asked to critique a research article from a given online Journal. What can you do in such cases?

Well, here is quick overview of what you should focus on:

Part I: Article Identification

The full citation of the article (in APA/MLA/Harvard format) should be listed first.

Part II: What was found

This section should contain the following information:

• The rationale behind the study (the broad area that was being studied)

• The objective of the study (what did the researchers set out to find?)

• The method(s) used in the study

• The findings of the study

• The authors’ conclusions

Part III: Your response

This section should address the following issues:

• Was the paper well-written or was it difficult to follow? Note that stating that the paper was hard to follow because of vocabulary is not a valid response for this part. If you do not understand a word or term it is up you to rectify the situation.

• What were pros and cons of the research method(s) that was/were used?

• How could the method(s) have been improved?

• What problems do you see with the obtained results? Are there confounding variables or other issues that weren’t taken into account when the study was designed?

• Do you agree or disagree with the authors’ conclusions based on their results?

• What questions remain unanswered?

• Could these aforementioned questions have been answered in this study with a better research design?

• What research logically follows from the current study (What is the “next step”) ?

That is it, folks!

As always, when you have any question on journal critique, article response essay, article discussion essay, or just stuck with writing research proposal, essay, thesis or dissertation paper, get in touch: sablecontentorders@gmail.com. I will gladly help. Happy Writing!

