New search is no search but conversations... Hello AI

Sabrina Guzman
Sabrina Guzman
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2015

Think voice no display… Think the new UI is no UI at all . Search is evolving and soon will be AI based, the voice assistants are the new browser, the new touch point where I will discover information. I’m afraid it’s the end of Google’s page ranks and blue links result page.

Information will be displayed not because of a specific query I type but according to my context and the data that builds that context. And you know that where ever your data is a machine learning algorithm is right beside learning everything it can.

Advances in processing power, speech recognition, mobile connectivity, cloud computing, and neural networks have all surged to a critical mass at roughly the same time. These tools are finally good enough, cheap enough, and accessible enough to make the conversational interface real — and ubiquitous.

You could say that the real personalisation is not a matter of graphics or A/B color testing, but relays on content and why and when this content is relevant for me. I believe we are entering a conversation era, where search is built around conversations [see Operator or Magic] and where conversations are not limited to us humans but also M2M.

Yet, there still no decentralised I can use to interact with Hound, Howdy, Amy, Alexa, Siri, Cortana on my behalf. I don’t have my own algorithm self but all sorts of systems that are studying every move I make to shove any product or marketing campaign down my throat. But why should I give access to so much data and information about me to thirds parties? Do I really want to give them the power of deciding what I want to read or eat?

AI should be built from bottom up and not top down, and that is why im looking forward to see blockchain initiatives that make me part of the creation process, that enable my anonymity status if I want to pass unnoticed or be flexible enough to let me discover things I wouldn’t normally see.

If this is not posible, how are we going to innovate? We learn from the unknown, we challenge ourselves and create by discovering things we don’t like or understand. Let us have an open AI platform and build on top of it, by doing this I believe we will see its true value and power.

Welcome open AI, welcome blockchain, welcome to HAT.



Sabrina Guzman
Sabrina Guzman

Entrepreneur, digital business, fascinated by platform business design and disruptive innovation