Thomas Moore, 10, grew his hair for two years to donate to kids with cancer.

10 Reminders that Our Future Isn’t Doomed

I mean, as long as these kids are in charge.

Christopher Rosato Jr
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2016


A quick conversation with anyone over the age of 65 will reveal just how doomed the world will be if it lies in the hands of the latest generation of young whippersnappers. In order to combat all of that negativity, here’s 10 kids who represent reasons the next generation is actually going to make the world a better place.

1. We Want to See Real Heroes Get Recognized

Unlike what happened during the Miss Universe contest, this re-crowning wasn’t an accident.

2. We Never Give Up on Our Goals

I can’t even commit to listening to the same music for two years, let alone letting my hair grow out for two whole years! Besides, I’d need a LOT bigger comb for that hair.

3. We Never Forget Where We Came From

If you don’t feel all the feels when you see this, you’re probably not even a human.

4. We Don’t Just Share Our Food on Instagram

If you only ordered that meal for the number of likes you’d get on your Insta’, maybe you should think twice before only taking a few bites and then throwing it away.

5. We Don’t Believe in “Winners” and “Losers”

In a time when parents are getting hyper-involved in their kids’ sports, it’s certainly refreshing to see sportsmanship prevail.

6. We Believe in Walking in Other People’s Shoes

This kid literally gave up the shoes off his feet. What a shining example of taking care of the homeless.

7. We Sometimes Look Up From Our Phones to Make Friends

Did Lonely Grandpa finally make a friend? I’d like to think so.

8. We Have Our Priorities Straight

Is there anything more American than a kid making himself even more late for school by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance?

Let me re-phrase that question: is there anything more American that doesn’t involve being a dick to everybody?

9. We Only Enjoy Success if We Can Share it With Others

A kid got a 100 percent on his test and asked his teacher how many other kids got 100. The teacher replied that not many did, the child felt sad for the ones that didn’t.

Okay, even I would’ve probably smirked upon learning I was the only one to ace a test. Thankfully, not everyone is like me.

10. We Want the Earth to Survive Long After We’re Gone

In case you couldn’t catch that, it reads: “People can work at NASA to make [sure] no [asteroids] will hit Earth.” This is so cute it’s just unfair!

