Meet Your New Bad-Ass Princess

Star vs. the Forces of Evil is more than just another Disney show.

Ang Cruz
SAC Media


A few weeks ago, the show “Star vs. The Forces of Evil” received a large amount of attention due to its portrayal of a gay kiss in its second season episode “Just Friends.”

While that itself is really cool, none of the articles I’ve seen has said anything else about the show other than the fact that it had this scene. But, that’s the thing: “Star vs the Forces of Evil” has always kicked ass in more ways than one.

Below are a handful of reasons why “Star vs. the Forces of Evil,” is one of the best cartoons on television.

#1: The main character is a hardcore and her sidekick isn’t lame.

First off, Star is fucking awesome. Both girly and bad-ass, Star loves things like sparkles and rainbows and even uses these things to fight off villains. On the other hand, her “sidekick” Marco isn’t dorky at all. In fact, Marco has shown numerous times he’s capable of taking care of himself by joining Star’s side in fighting monsters. The two characters are ridiculously independent, but the show also embraces their individual personalities and the relationship they have because of their differences.

Speaking of relationships…

#2: Romance is not the focal point of this show.

While plots with a boy and girl as the leads usually lead to romance, “Star vs the Forces Evil” lets romance take the backseat. Granted, it might because it’s a Disney XD show, but Star and Marco’s relationship has always been more about their bond as friends than it has been on them being a couple.

And the show addresses flaws in their relationship too. A high point was in the season 1 episode “Blood Moon Ball,” in which Star attends a ball with her ex-boyfriend where he was planning to intertwine their souls by having her dance with him under the light of a mystic moon. Skeptical of Tom’s intentions, Marco decides to crash the party and rescue her; however, things don’t work out that way.

In the transcript the scene reads:

Marco: I hate to say it, but I warned you about Tom.
Star: No! You! You’re infuriating!
Star throws her shoes at Marco, and they go flying over the balcony.
Marco: Me? I was just trying to help —
Star: You don’t trust me to do things by myself. I’m 14. I can handle a demon. [leans on the balcony] I know you’re trying to look out for me, but you have to let me figure things out on my own. I don’t need a hero. I need a friend.

#3: Star and Marco are still teenagers, and the show never forgets that.

Another really great thing about the show is the way it never forgets the fact that Star and Marco are fourteen. We all remember when we were freshmen in high school: it’s a weird and confusing time in lives. Add having a magical princess from another dimension as your roommate, and it’s even more weird and confusing.

But that’s the thing, some of the show’s best moments come from the characters having to deal with things like crushes, having to go to detention, and not wanting to do homework. Whether it’s watching Star and Marco play a game of killer truth or dare with their friends at a sleepover, or Marco desperately trying to ask out his crush but only to be cursed with a magical pimple that makes him blurt embarrassing stuff whenever she’s around, it’s nice being reminded these characters are still teenagers on Earth and they’re going to deal with all the things that come with that.

#4: All the characters are interesting, even the side characters.

While the show centers on the adventures of Star and Marco, the show still lets viewers meet the rest of the cast. From the cool Jackie Lynn Thomas and her skateboard skills to Marco’s dorky but loveable sensei at the karate studio — each character is as unique and charming as the last one we met.

#5: The world they live in is awesome.

The fact the show never sticks to one place (or dimension) is another great thing about “Star.” From the preteen clubbing that goes on at the Bounce Lounge, to having to pay your phone bills to the evil pixies of Pixtopia — Star’s world is as colorful as herself.

#6: Laser puppies, need I say more?

Look at their butts, they even have little hearts on them.

#7: The cast are all some of the best.

Patrick Stump? Nick Lachey? Jeffrey Tambor? Michael C. Hall? Jenny Slate? That’s only a handful of the awesome voices that’ve been featured in the show. Not only is the list of guest stars impressive, but the main voice cast are some of the nicest and supportive people to their fan base.

#8: Daron Nefcy is making HERstory.

Animation is still very much a man’s world. In an article released by BuzzFeed titled, “Inside The Persistent Boys Club Of Animation,” it highlights the fact women still feel cliquey-ness in the world of animation, even at Disney. However, Daron Nefcy has become one of only two women to make a series for Disney XD, and she has been killing it with “Star” being the #1 most watched animated premiere for Disney XD, and having had reached 100 million viewers across all media platforms with a third season coming soon.

Speaking of the third season, it’s not expected to air until next year. Now that you’ve read how great the show is, if you haven’t seen the show or caught up now's your chance.



Ang Cruz
SAC Media

digital storyteller. tea & hot cheeto enthusiast. they/she. hmu if you want to talk at