Parisians Turn to Social Media to Open Homes to Those Affected by Tragedy

Jennifer Sandy
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2015


Parisians have opened their homes tonight to those stranded by the terrorist attacks that took place early Saturday morning by using the hashtag #porteouvere.

Paris declared a state of emergency after the attacks took place in six locations across the city, leaving at least 120 people assumed to be dead. France has closed it’s borders and is currently not allowing flights in or out of the country, prompting many across the world to open their homes to stranded French travelers using various hashtags such as #strandedinus, #strandedincanada, and #strandedinengland.

Belgian citizen Lisa Desclef, who lives just a few kilometers outside the French border, said she decided to open her home despite living quite a distance from Paris. “My doors are always open for anyone regardless of nationality,” Desclef said.

Parisian Sarah Colucci said opening her home was her way of helping those affected by the tragedy. “It is natural for people to help during [a] hard time like that, so I reacted [in a way that I could],” Colucci said. She urged others to focus on their family first in the midst of this tragedy. “Just keep yourself and your family safe.”

Desclef said that in addition to all flights being grounded, no one within the French borders is being allowed out.

Desclef and Colucci are both keeping their homes open for the foreseeable future to anyone without a place to sleep due to the tragedy because, according to Desclef, everyone has been affected. “Everyone is concerned, nobody is safe and all this violence is useless,” Desclef said.



Jennifer Sandy
SAC Media

Journalist. Feminist. Lover of all things pink and sparkly.