Social Media’s Queen Returns

Welcome back, Keeks

Kenya Pineda
SAC Media
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2017


On Oct. 3, the world was shook. During Paris Fashion Week, Kim Kardashian-West was robbed of about $10 million in jewelry after a group of five burglars, dressed as police officers, broke into her hotel room and locked her in the bathroom of the hotel she was staying at.

We all know that not everyone is crazy about the Kardashians, especially Kim, because of her infamous sex-tape with Ray-J. That doesn’t that mean we can’t sympathize with a mother, a wife, a human being, from being held at gunpoint.

There were the supportive fans, along with the haters, but regardless of how much buzz and publicity this could of brought the Kardashians, there were little-to-no comments from the Kardashian, besides small updates assuring Kim was back home, shaken but safe.

But, can you blame them?

Instead of sympathizing with a victim, the public began to victim-shame her for wearing extravagant clothing and jewelry. Kim Kardashian-West is in the fashion industry as a model, trend-setter, and constantly pushed into the public-eye. It’s not so much about showing off how much money she has, instead it’s about keeping with appearances during important events such as Paris Fashion Week.

Regardless of how she got famous, the fact of the matter is: an innocent woman was held at gunpoint, gagged, tied up, and forced to beg for her life.

Kim stayed out of the spotlight for what felt like decades, but in reality it was just months, and like a phoenix she arose from the ashes and rebranded herself. She’s ditched the sex symbol act that was forced on her and became more family centered.

Even after re-emerging from the ashes, she refused to play the victim card. She didn’t lose her amazing style skills or choose to turn to a more nun-like lifestyle, instead she opted into a more simplistic lifestyle, with her family and sisters in the center.

Now, why is this important? Because she had recently dragged Taylor Swift for playing that exact same card after Kanye West used her name in his song, “Famous” and Kardashian-West just proved you can be a boss-ass bitch without having to use the public’s pity in order to boost numbers and fans.

On a episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians,” Kardashian-West stood up for her husband and said, “Just another way to play the victim…definitely got her a lot of attention the first time.” The importance behind this line was specifically to expose Swift for attempting to make Kanye West look like the bad guy, and like Taylor, this is the second time Kim Kardashian-West has been personally attacked.

The first time was her infamous sex-tape that branded her a whore and a sex icon for Americans. Memes have been made in attempts to further shame her for the success she has, but even after Ray J released the tape without her permission, she took her earnings from court and has been working hard since then to move away from her sex tape. Even then, society continues to brand her as “famous for nothing” while ignoring the fact that her “talent” is constantly being in the public eye. She may not sing or dance, or even act, but she entertains you with constant updates on her extravagant life. Even in the latest episode, focusing strictly on Kim’s time in Paris, has a woman screaming at her “Can I see your ass?” as she gets into her car en route to a fitting.

“I took a tragic horrific experience and did not let it diminish me, rather grew and evolved and allowed the experience to teach me.” — Kim Kardashian-West

The second time, was back in October. Interviews were denied, and the only testimony from the social media queen herself, is on her own television show, KUWTK, were she can control how much she says and what she shares.

“I’m sorry”, her husband Kanye West begins to repeat, canceling his concert for the night after receiving news that his wife has been robbed at gun-point, and so begins the most disturbing parts of the series: Kim Kardashian-West’s recap of everything that happened in Paris.

It begins with Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner recapping how they found out, what they felt, and what they found once they got there. “She’s alive,” was what reassured Kris Jenner when finding her daughter.

“They also know, like, if anything had really happened to you, like, I wouldn’t have stopped until they was dead,” Kanye West said in a video captured by someone constantly filming him.

Kim also addresses other celebrities, such as Howard Stern, saying that Kim Kardashian should be going to jail if the story turns out to be fake. “I wouldn’t make up that my ring got stolen, and then never have to wear my ring,” she said, referring to her $4.5 million dollar ring that Kanye West gifted her.

It’s not until the last part of the episode that Kim goes over what happened. Her first hand testimony. The concierge worked as an interpreter for both parties, as Kim Kardashian begged for her life reminding them that she had a family, to take anything but to let her live. “I have a family, let me live,” she tells the concierge.

Something that every woman fears when walking down a road at night is being kidnapped, murdered, or raped. Being a famous sex icon in the eyes of the public, it on only makes sense that after being handcuffed and duct-taped, Kim prepared to be raped. Granted, you can’t “prepare” for that, but there’s also so little you can do to fight off a group of armed men in a foreign country. Not much else is given, during the first episode of the new series, but it’s clear that Kim Kardashian used that one day to throw a pity party and end it on the same day.

Love her or hate her, there’s no denying Kim Kardashian-West is a big player both in the fashion industry and the fame game. There’s no point in being salty about the way she got her fame, wealth, or empire. Just because she continues to be proud of her body and the way she runs her business doesn’t mean she deserved to be victim shamed for who she is and her background.

We love you, Kimmy!

