The Best of The Worst: Waitressing Edition

Just don’t be an asshole customer and we’ll get along just fine

Ana Saucedo
SAC Media
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2017


I love my job, and I hate to love it. After doing waitressing for some time now, there’s things that I both hate and love about it. Love: free food and the environment. Hate: Those wonderful customers that seem to pop up every once in awhile. I’d like to know who hurt them to the point where they thought it was okay to feel entitled around others, because I’d like to have a quick chat with them.

Anyways, here’s a quick list on my absolute favorite things that customers have said to me, often.

5. “I know the manager”

I do too! What a small world. I can very well go and grab the manager, if you’d like, maybe he’ll comply with your fit or maybe he won’t but the point is you’ll be out of my hair. I treat you the same way that I would any other customer, with respect, because that’s the way my momma taught me. So, please, you knowing the manager does not entitle you to free desserts or free booze on the house.

4. “They do it for me everytime”

Who? Please tell me so I can point out to my manager who’s doing this even though we went over how we cannot give you the best of both worlds. Not only am I being yelled at, but now I’m upset, my co-worker will get into trouble, and my boss will be mad at me, and the chefs might spit in your food. Enjoy.

3. “Is it gluten free?”

Are you allergic? Then you probably know what you can and cannot eat. Are you asking because you’re following the new diet rules set up by Kourtney Kardashian? (Even her own ex, Scott Disick called her out). Then it can be, but let me tell you, we all hate you now. Not only is it a pain to work around your new diet fad, since you ordered the gluten free spaghetti and meatballs, but yet you’re asking for more breadsticks.

2. “Is the food almost ready?”

Trust me, I get it. I go out and eat too and cry when I see my plate go to a different table because they ordered the same thing, but there’s no need to keep asking me every five minutes. The family of 5 who places their order before you has been waiting longer, and they’re not bitching.

1. “I’m never coming back”

Please, don’t. It’s shitty customers like you that make me want to hang up my apron and go live in Alaska. I like my coworkers, my job, the regular customers who aren’t demanding and total sweethearts. It’s assholes like you that make me want to cry at the end of the day because there truly are people who just want to watch the world burn.

