The Wokest of Woke Celebs: Presidential Debate Edition

We know which A-Lister’s will be voting on November 8

Kenya Pineda
SAC Media
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2016


Celebrities, they are just like us. They sleep, the eat, and they suffered with us through the first Presidential Debate. Their moral duties require them to stay woke in the times when others are asleep, in order to encourage their followings to stay informed. So many celebs have spoken up and are standing #WithHer, and thank goodness for that. They are the live fact-checkers we need, but don’t deserve. The unspoken heroes who get frustrated and angry alongside us and motivate us to do something about it.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry has always been Hillary’s #1 girl and continues to comment on how ridiculous Trump’s policies are. She’s performed at rallies and is currently using her body to try to encourage more citizens to go out and register to vote. From the very beginning, Perry has been there and there’s no doubt she’ll be there until the end.

Chrissy Teigen

Mom, chef, supermodel and now Trump’s personal critic. Teigen is no stranger to both criticizing and calling out Trump and his family throughout the race. Monday was no exception. Teigen spent the night live-tweeting her reactions to Trump’s comments and applauding Clinton for choosing the high road and not fighting petty with petty.

Matt McGorry

Matt McGorry, better known for his roles in How To Get Away With Murder and Orange Is The New Black, is no stranger to expressing his views on Twitter and making it known that he is woke as fuck. Naturally, he had to blast Trump after he denied saying that global warming was a hoax, but McGorry brought up receipts and called him a liar.

Lena Dunham

Dunham has been with Clinton since the start, never changing and wavering her vote. Of course, at this point the tweet could be referring to anything: her patience, her experience, her goals, her flawless suits, yet when you put someone as qualified as Clinton next to someone as unqualified as Trump, there isn’t much of a debate as to what she could be referring to.

Yvette Nicole Brown

Not only is this a huge disrespect to the current POTUS, it’s a joke message that sounds like it came off of a conspiracy website. If he’s going to lie about the origin of ISIS and how long Clinton has been fighting ISIS, maybe should choose one, or keep a running story. He sounds just as crazy as those who think the moon landing was faked in a studio (It wasn’t).

Rashida Jones

Clinton throughout the debate was respectful of both the rules and her opponent, Trump on the other hand…not so much. While Clinton was making her statement in her time allotted, Trump would constantly talk over her or start asking questions that could side-track Clinton. If Trump cannot keep his cool and wait his turn to speak, how can we expect him to run negotiations?

Paul Wesley

And of course… who can forget the sniffles? Trump must have been sick because nothing was more distracting than his constants sniffling, and Wesley was more than ready to comment on it. It would make sense that Trump took something, especially with his high energy and constant need to prove his “facts”. Maybe Trump should get his health re-checked? Someone get this man a tissue.

Many other celebs stayed woke during this debate, some posting vague comments on Instagram and Twitter, and others have chosen to keep their political beliefs on this private. The best thing we can do however, to prove Trump wrong is simply going out in vote. If you’re a Trump supporter or you stand with Her, you should still go out and vote. Nov. 8, write it in your calendars.

