Protestors gather at LAX on Sunday, January 29 in response to President Donald Trump’s travel ban. Photo by Pablo Unzueta.

What You Need To Know About Trump’s Executive Orders

Divisiveness, Muslim bans, and protests — and it’s been less than two weeks.

Ang Cruz
SAC Media
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017


Since Donald Trump was sworn in as president, it’s felt as if every day he’s done something to make me grit my teeth and rip my hair out. He’s signed off numerous executive orders and divided our already separated country, being the driving force behind strong participation in this year’s women’s march, and causing a protest started by scientists speaking out against his positions, and numerous people demanding the wall he recently signed off for to be banned.

In the words of my sister, “He’s doing everything he can to tear down what Obama’s worked for.”

A few days ago, the word “Muslim Ban” was trending on Twitter. In another fucked up move, Trump decided to to sign yet again another executive order that would fulfill the promises he made during his campaign, “enacting strict measures to prevent domestic terror attacks.

This is what he’s proposed, and the aftermath:

As what’s become a norm after Trump signs off an executive bill, shortly after this announcement numerous people came out to LAX in protest of the new policies as well the release of others who were detained. Demonstrators shut down traffic in front of the Tom Bradley International Terminal chanting, “Let them in!” and “Love, not hate, makes America great,” as police confined the crowd to the area in front of the Bradley terminal.

A day later, Press Secretary Sean Spicer appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” He told hosts:

“Three hundred and twenty-five thousand people flew into this country from airports and 109 people were affected and slowed down in their travel. I understand that is an inconvenience but at the end of the day that is a small price to pay as opposed to somebody losing their life because a terrorist attack was admitted.”

In an interview with Yahoo News, ACLU executive director, Anthony Romero, “With Republicans controlling both houses of Congress and the Democrats in disarray and lacking any spine. The two pincers (opposing Trump) have to be litigation and citizen action.”

The next four years are going to be brutal, but let’s not make it easy for this asshole.



Ang Cruz
SAC Media

digital storyteller. tea & hot cheeto enthusiast. they/she. hmu if you want to talk at