Why Obama is Cooler Than You

And not just because he’s POTUS

Kenya Pineda
SAC Media


Story by: Vanessa Perez and Kenya Pineda

The Obama family has been in the White House for two terms and it’s no surprise that many Americans are grieving the day that the Obamas pack their bags and move out the White House. Especially since the Trump family is moving in.

They have reconfigured the idea of the first family by stepping out of societal norms. Every boundary that was placed before them was surpassed. Anywhere from Barack passing laws for the LGBTQ community, to Michelle encouraging students to aim for a higher education and anything in between. Barack Obama has not only made a name for himself as the first Black president of the United States, but as the coolest president to be elected into office. No other upcoming President could ever top the Obama administration.

King of throwing shade

At the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, Kanye West announced that he’ll be running for president in the 2020 election. While most of the world was thinking “WTF,” Obama had his share on Mr. West’s startling news in a video he said, “Do you really think that this country is gonna elect a black guy from Southside of Chicago with a funny name? That’s cray.” Barack threw classy shade that was encouraging shade at Kanye. Barack referred back to his own roots which are similar to Kanye’s being “the black guy from Southside Chicago with a funny name.” Barack didn’t attempt to tell Kanye he cannot become president, he basically said that if he himself can be president so can Kanye. He gives Kanye some pointers and while he’s at it Barack throws some trashy shade at Trump, saying “First of all, you’ve got to spend a lot of time dealing with some strange characters who behave like they’re on a reality TV show. So you’ve just got to be cool with that.” The cool thing about this is that Obama doesn’t even mention Trumps name. Even though it’s obvious who he’s talking about. Although Ye and Donnie’s meeting in NYC shows that maybe Kanye is serious about #Kanye2024.

Feminist as Fuck

Barack shared his thoughts on feminism and said, “So I’d like to think that I’ve been pretty aware of the unique challenges women face it’s what has shaped my own feminism.” He’s proven that he’s cool enough to step out of the societal norms and address problems that are significant to women. There are not a lot of men, especially men in power, that will come out and say they’re a feminist is quite amazing.

He says, “So we need to break through these limitations. We need to keep changing the attitude that raises our girls to be demure and our boys to be assertive, that criticizes our daughters for speaking out and our sons for shedding a tear. We need to keep changing the attitude that punishes women for their sexuality and rewards men for theirs.”

Barack is such a badass for speaking out on this topic to the world. He sees the inequality of the sexes, and it’s a sure thing women have come a long way from the 1900s but there is still more work to be done. Obama could easily stay quiet, since he’s surrounded by Republicans and different types of public figures, but no Obama choses to stay woke. It’s refreshing to say that our POTUS is a proud feminist.

Swag for Days

Nothing says fashionable like being able to rock an Adidas tracksuit, hell if I could I would wear one everyday. You know those memes that say “Get you a man who can do both?” The POTUS can do both.

Not only can he rock both kinds of suits, but he’s also got a special bond with style icons Kim K and Yeezus. I’m not implying anything, but I’m just saying, I haven’t seen any other POTUS receive Yeezy’s from the designer himself. The only reason that Obama hasn’t been seen wearing the Yeezy’s in public is because he doesn’t want us basic people to feel bad.


Not only is Barack the coolest president we’ve had so far, the Obama’s are the closest thing we have to a royal family in a patriotic nation. First, we have the wifey, herself, Michelle Obama. Not only is she as feminist as her husband, but she’s also a great advocate for having a strong bond between family ties and healthy relationships. The best part is that she hasn’t let being a First Lady deviate her from having fun moments such as guest-starring on James Cordon’s Carpool Karaoke, while rapping alongside Missy Elliot.

His daughters Malia and Sasha Obama have also been able to fulfill their duties as both a daughters and the first family. Malia Obama has been able to break social standards by doing what most look down upon — taking a gap year off before beginning her studies over at Harvard. Sasha Obama was able to secure a summer job this year at Martha’s vineyard. Sure, it’s not McDonalds, but as the daughter of the president she didn’t really need take a job during the summer. Instead, she spent her summer flipping gourmet burgers as any other high schooler would.

Boss Moments

Obama is no stranger to being a boss, he makes being president look easy and fun. So, no wonder people with no previous law exposure think they can run for president. From dropping the mic at the biggest political dinner of the year, after announcing he wouldn’t win another term, because he’d already won the first two, to being able to handle babies like a true boss. There truly is nothing that stops Obama from trying his best at what he does.

During the pre-elections, he teamed up with Buzzfeed to make a video called “5 Things That Are Harder Than Registering to Vote” to encourage those who aren’t currently registered to register for this upcoming election. Past presidents would encourage you with a simple and political video, Obama on the other hand tried to name every dead character from Game of Thrones, untangling headphones, play Operation, balancing Cheerios on Bo’s nose, and making a friendship bracelet for his BFF Joe Biden.

We see how well that ended up though…


Speaking of Biden, there’s nothing cooler than the friendship these two. They are walking #goals. Not only have they been refused pizza in certain areas because of how close their friendship is, but they have the cutest friendship ever. When Biden’s son passed away Obama was there for him throughout it all, for Obama’s birthday Biden posted a picture of their friendship bracelet wishing his “brother” a happy birthday. Serving two terms together brings you together, it’s all I’m saying.

Love him or hate him, you can’t deny that Obama has been a great president in the sense that he’s been able to bring up the economy and he continues to work on programs that benefit everyone. The Obama administration has brought class, humor, and fashion, to a boring subject, politics. It truly will be a depressing day when the Obama’s leave the White House.

