Neighbourhoods’ Token Sale

Community Offering + Initial DEX Listing

4 min readNov 18, 2021

by Sid Sthalekar, Emaline Friedman, and Jethro Cramp

TL;DR: Whitelist for our community offering here, and scan for details in the last section of this article.

Greetings from the Neighbourhoods Team! If you’re here, you’ve heard about the Neighbourhoods project (or $NHT).

We’ve got a vision for a marketplace of generic Holochain tools that communities can pair with fit-for-purpose reputation metrics (e.g. likes, ratings, endorsements).

With neighbourhoods, communities reward builders of the tools they use with NH-Credits. Because these credits measure actual work hours, we don’t think they should be subject to the wild swings of crypto markets. For this reason,

Neighbourhoods uses a dual currency system. $NHT funds the project, serves as a gateway to crypto markets and liquidity, and is the exclusive means of accessing NH-Credits.

Community Offering + DEX Listing of $NHT

It has become common to issue tokens through Initial Dex Offerings (IDOs) on DeFi platforms, following the lead of early IDO-ers like $RAVEN and $UMA. IDOs are great for limiting theft, listing fees, and waiting periods. They also help establish an opening price, and generate instant liquidity for purchasers. So far, so good. Then, IDOs tend to have a small crowdfund before a token begins trading to invite the exchanges’s audience to help generate liquidity before opening.

Instead of growing our backers with another platform’s audience and relying on them for liquidity, we are holding a Community Offering to expand our base of supporters invested in the project. From there we’ll go directly to an Initial Dex Listing (IDL), where we list $NHT and create liquidity.

We’re bypassing a launch platform and doing our own Community Offering before an Initial Dex Listing (IDL).

Building Ties With Our Community

Our decision to do a Community Offering before a Dex Listing is based on our commitment to “specific culture” — in this case, the culture we’ve long cultivated.

This offering is for our existing supporters, those closest to the NH project, and backers we believe will provide value in the years to come.

In essence, we’re not raising from scratch. Neighbourhoods grew out of a longstanding vision for a “reputation economy”, incubated in a network called Sacred Capital over the last few years. Sacred Capital was funded through early stage backers who understand and believe in this vision.

Now that it’s time to make this vision a reality, we think it’s also time to expand our membrane of supporters — but not indiscriminately. In this phase, we’ve made our best attempts to keep our communications and our energy within the Holochain corner of the larger web3 world.

We want to be accessible to this community and develop relationships with folks likely to build neighbourhoods and their critical infrastructure. We also believe this transition into a broadly held token-audience will support $NHT price in the coming years.

Once we’re listed on decentralized exchanges, we will make efforts to ensure there is sufficient liquidity in trading pools, in order to keep up with the growing demands of the $NHT Community. We are leveraging the team members’ backgrounds in tradfi to manage our treasury accordingly.

Community Offering Details

Ticker: $NHT, an ERC-20 token (until a similar standard on Holochain emerges!)

Price: $0.001

KYC: Required

Total Supply: $NHT supply is estimated at the equivalent of $30M USD.

Total Community Offering Allocation: $1M

Accepted payment: ETH, BTC, HOT, USDT, USDC

Mode: First come, first served

Min-Max Purchase: $200–50k (exceptions may occur on a case-by-case basis)

DEX Listing(s): As early as Dec 2021, as late as Jan 2022

Network: Ethereum & Polygon (MATIC). Subsequent migration to Holochain based ERC20 equivalent standards may occur.

Whitelist for our community sale here. Simplify the process by having your identifying documents and wallet address ready!




Open the black box of social media ⬛️ Create your own Neighbourhood with customizable Holochain #hApps available in our tokenized software Bazaar ⛲️