Feel Me

Shirley Garzon Martinez
Sacred Erotic Self
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2017
Photo by, Thomas Curryer on Splasher.

Look into my eyes
Take a deep breath
Let your eyelids rest
Trust your heart’s intent
Now take my spirit’s hand
Feel into my soul
Follow that winding path
Take in the pastel aromas
Breathe in the sweet, crisp scent
Familiar to you from your dreams
Relax in these soft clouds
No worries, no thoughts
Holding Sacred space
Recharge in my love’s glow
Observe our energies connect
Two flames dancing to their own beat
A sacred interlace
As they twirl and flex in their flow
Like two lovers hands
Fingers intertwined
Feel me
In the way no one else can
Soar above the physical realm
Travel to another Galaxy
An infinity of twinkling stars
Our light, the brightest of them all
Float with me through the heavens
Where time and no man exist
One eternal orgasm
A pleasure beyond words
Our reciprocity, an elaborate web
Awareness in our silence
Feel me
Hear me
See me
Like no one else can

Shirley is a divinely sensitive, clairvoyant, poet, married mother of five. Her blogs and chats help challenged Moms break free from their chains of depression. Her empath abilities give you, 1 on 1, individual guidelines on how to reach your highest potential for the life you desire.



Shirley Garzon Martinez
Sacred Erotic Self

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning.” Louis L’Amour