Charge your Challenges™

Food for the soul

Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership


I have no doubt you have experienced challenges during your life. Some massive, some big and some just downright annoying. But have you considered how these challenges can actually work for you in your life, how they can be exactly what you need to create your life of purpose?

No matter how severe the challenge is that you have experienced — somehow it serves your greater life purpose. They give you the tools and builds the traits that are necessary for you to master to create the life you love.

Think about it, most of the highly successful people in our world both now and past, experienced harsh challenges in their earlier years. Look at Tony Robbins for example, an alcoholic mother, relied on food donations, he had to care for his siblings rather than being allowed to be a child. Or Richard Branson, who struggled at school for being dyslexic. Then there is Steve Jobs, adopted as a child. Charlize Theron who was brought up with an abusive father who was eventually shot dead in their home. Oprah Winfrey who was abused as a child. JK Rowling who had a rough time as a child and does not speak to her father any longer. “Colonel” Harland Sanders, father of KFC, who ran away from home as a child. Charlie Chaplin who lived on the streets of London as a child. Shania Twain one of the wealthiest women in the world, homeless at 14 and living in shelters. The list goes on and on.

If you see yourself as a victim or even a survivor of your challenges, you are not charging your challenges. To Charge your Challenges™ is to embrace them as the seeds and fertilizer they are for your growth. to Charge your Challenges™ you need to see that as much as it was unpleasant, painful, there were equal amounts of benefits — at the time of the challenge and even more when you reflect back on them — when you have the benefit of 20/20 vision and can see more clearly how they were there to assist you in forging your path in life.

The harder your challenges the greater your potential.

When you Charge your Challenges™ you fire up the gift they were to you, you release, acknowledge and honor how they have given you exactly what you need to be, do and have what you would love in your life. You have the strength, the resilience, the creativity and the compassion to achieve what it in your heart. You appreciate the honor it is to serve. You value what it is to love and be loved. You are not easily swayed by distractions and immediate gratification — because you have the stamina to see it through. You learned all this through overcoming your challenges and in doing so you are now Charging your Challenges™

If you are denying the brilliance of your challenges, you are a victim. You will be continuously seeking love, acceptance and a perceived ‘normality’ to try and fit in and be one of the many.

Well guess what you are NOT one of the many, you are one of one. You are unique. You are special. You were born to stand out and not fit in.

If you go into your heart, it will be easier for you to see how your challenges both past and present serve you. In your mind, where your ego resides, it will tell you otherwise. Your ego will label your experiences as bad, traumatic and must be avoided at all costs. Your ego will deny the extent of the growth you have experienced as a result of your challenges.

Allow your ego to rule and see yourself as a victim or even a survivor you will keep reliving the challenges for your sub conscious mind does not know the difference between actually experiencing something or thinking about it. If you have not Charged your Challenges™ each time you think of them — which will be often, you relive them, you get back into that moment and time and feel the loneliness, desperation, pain and anguish — and your sub conscious believes it is happening all over again and again. Not good for living a charged life — is it? Not good for living a life of joy and love on purpose — is it?

Charge your Challenges™ and honor how they are food for your powerful fulfilled life and your spirit and heart will rule — you will live intuitively, authentically and with inspiration — there will be nothing lacking in your life.

I know, because I have been there, I was incarcerated by my father from a young age until I escaped in my early twenties. I was raped, gang raped, shot, beaten, stabbed, endured brutal home abortions for almost two decades. It was not until I learnt to Charge my Challenges a number of years after I escaped did I find inner peace and joy.

You can read how I Charged my Challenges in my book, co-authored with Brain Tracy “Against the Grain”. As my New Year gift to you, you can download an ebook version of the bestselling book here —

Live with Power, Inspiration and Enthusiasm.

Love and Gratitude,

Judy van Niekerk



Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership

Bestselling Author, Life and Business Strategist and Speaker