Forgiveness — such a misunderstood word!

Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2015


Forgiveness is for yourself… not to absolve others…

How are you doing? I hope whatever you have been doing has been fun…

My favourite quote and its mine :-) is — “A fun filled life is a fulfilled life” — wouldn’t you agree?

After reading something sad this morning I felt compelled to write this..and talk about Forgiveness..

After so much exposure in the global press recently around my story of forgiveness — it has been translated into more than 20 languages — I have been amazed at just how misunderstood Forgiveness is — wow it is such a massively misunderstood word!

In the UK, MP Simon Danczuk’s, who is actively trying to get government to address historical child sex abuse issues, wife Karen, last week openly reported that she was sexually abused as a child.

And today in the papers there are screenshots of her tweets about how she will never forgive and never forget..

My heart hurts for her… as she is engulfed by the suffering of your horrendous experiences to the point that she is driven to do things she normally would not do — in her own words she publishes seductive selfies of herself showing her cleavage — to take back some of the power she feels she has lost — and as a councillor herself and a wife of an MP this causes quite a stir in the press as you can imagine.

I have been working with people around the world since I started my first online support website in April 2001 and I see it all the time.

When you are engulfed in the midst of the suffering, reliving the pain and angst of the experience — whatever that is — it does not have to be sexual abuse — it could be anything — every single person on the planet has endured suffering… you close down your heart more and more — you distance yourself from yourself and you try and separate the inseparable..

And the more you do that — the more solace you seek outside of you — and that becomes an insatiable hunger needing more and more outside affirmation and love — driving you still more further away from your own soul.

There is so much wisdom in working on yourself through the methodology that I call Charge Your Challenges — so you reach a level of forgiveness…

BUT…. not the traditional understanding of forgiveness that absolves and releases others from responsibility — absolutely not!! no mortal soul has the right to do that!

This forgiveness is about releasing yourself 100% from the suffering… it is getting to a point of being OK with what happened — because if you don’t — all you do is continue to drink the poison and hope the person or circumstance that caused you the suffering suffers and dies but this will not happen — if you drink the poison — you suffer!! and that is what happens when you do not get to a place of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is about releasing yourself — allowing yourself the place of freedom to let go, heal, overcome, move on and then thrive!

I wont be the first one to say that nor the last — but from great suffering or hardship comes great opportunities.. history proofs that!!

And that is what Charging Your Challenges is all about.

If you would love to learn more about releasing yourself through forgiveness — and learning how to not only move on — but thrive as well… join me in a webinar I am hosting early next month…

Click on this link to register

Remember every single one of us has experienced hardship, challenge and suffering… in one form or another… it is up to you what you do with it!

You can allow it to kill you emotionally and age you physically or you can create opportunities from your hardships and free your heart soul and spirit and live the full extent of who you are!

Love and Gratitude Judy

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Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership

Bestselling Author, Life and Business Strategist and Speaker