Help the Yazidis children escape Death Mountain

Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2014


This is NOT political — it is HUMAN!

A project to help the Yazidis children escape Death Mountain

Today a crowd fund campaign was launched on Indiegogo by me appealing to you to contribute as ordinary men and women to do something about assisting the Yazidi men, women and children stranded and languishing in 35 degree heat without food water or shelter — stuck — with only sure death awaiting them should they venture down the mountain in Iraq.

While the British and American governments considers sending aid thousands are at risk of dying.

With the major heads of state in the western world enjoying summer holidays and much hot air being spoken about their plights amongst the UN and other agencies that are meant to assist people van Niekerk felt compelled to call on fellow humanitarians to take it upon themselves and do something.

According to Iraqi authorities who started evacuating today — they can only rescue 100 people a day and with 50 000+ people that is going to take 500 days — by which time they will all be dead and perished — whilst we looked on and did nothing!

This campaign has two parts -

  1. to raise the funds necessary to mobilise actions to rescue the Yazidis stranded on the mountain top.
  2. Challenge and call upon those with significant resources and social connections to step up and do something as did Richard Branson did some years ago when he arranged that Virgin Atlantic fly crucially needed supplies into Iraq which was the first British passenger plane to land in Iraq for 13 years and brought 60 tonnes of vital medical aid to Basra.

This campaign will demonstrate that the individuals on the planet will take a stand and do what needs to be done — without the hypocrisy and binds of political game playing and pontificating. This campaign will be the start of a new movement where the man on the street takes more responsibility and demonstrates by their actions rather than words how we want our world to work.

I felt that the most appropriate and most likely format for a campaign like this would be crowd funding as it has become an incredibly powerful platform for individuals shaping our society as more and more businesses and social causes are funded in this avenue.

I could not think of a faster method to reach millions of people — when you have entrepreneurs raising over $6m in less than 2 weeks for a fabulously fancy cooler box, I felt that I should be able to reach a very wide audience too using this same platform.

As soon as sufficient funds come in I will engage the services of professionally appropriate service providers to go in and rescue as many as humanly possible — but time is of the essence. It is essential that substantial sums are raised in a matter of hours and days not weeks or months.

For more information about the campaign click on the link —



Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership

Bestselling Author, Life and Business Strategist and Speaker