The greatest gift you can give yourself

Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2014



A few days ago marked the 14 years since my father pleaded guilty to several counts of sexual abuse and violence against me… I went to the high court of the land with my then partner now husband, best friend and lover, Tiny and heard the elderly judge say that in all his years presiding he has never heard a such a bad case as mine — my father was sentenced to a total 54 years — I asked for the case to be held out of camera — so it was public — this was the first time ever this happened… the result was incredible… incidents of reporting rape and incest went up 75%….

This was a milestone in my life! and I thought this was the beginning of my road to emotional freedom… but I was wrong!! for I was still in the ‘victim’ state of mind! I was still angry with my life having been ruined… I was still believing that I had lost so much…

It was not until I learned to Charge my Challenges… and see that in actual fact I was given a phenomenal gift..and I had learned incredible tools and skills to create a life I could only previously dream of! In charging my challenges I opened my heart to love, compassion, gratitude so much that I was able to visit my father and tell him I loved him and was grateful for everything he did for me — before he passed away.

You can do this too with any and all of your challenges!! Today I have not only charged my challenges but I have also Capitalised my Challenges giving me the financial freedom that has until now eluded me.. I am now focusing on Championing my challenges by creating a movement of people globally who make the decision to perceive their challenges in a different light — to see the amazing gifts they have been given rather than the trauma and burden of their experiences!!

I have created a free video training series that will show you how to do the same!! I invite you to click on the link and see for yourself and apply what i suggest and watch your life transform in all areas!! Click here for access to the free videos

If you know of anyone who feels their life has been ruined from their experiences and challenges please pass this on to them!!

Love and Gratitude Judy



Judy van Niekerk
SACRED Leadership

Bestselling Author, Life and Business Strategist and Speaker