Upcoming Events

SACRO is embedding input from the TRE and wider community into the project. Find below opportunities to get involved:

Reverse Science Cafe: Sign me up Scotty! Consensus Statement

Date: Monday 11th September 11–12pm BST

As part of the SACRO DARE UK Drivers Project- which aims to improve and overhaul elements of TRE’s to improve the experience of researchers and output checkers when mutually engaging in Disclosure Control, one stream of work has been the development of a consensus statement. We are producing a consensus statement which is a set of principles organisations can sign up to. These will be principles which any Trusted Research Environment introducing a semi-automated checking system in the future can use to make sure they do so securely. We will be running an reverse science cafe on the 11th September and invite Trusted Research Environments (TREs) to attend to discuss their thoughts and feedback on the consensus statement. We are presently not asking for feedback on design but rather we are interested in;

· How we can engage and gain organisational commitment to the statement.

· The content of the consensus statement.

To register for the event, please complete the form here prior to the event you will receive a copy of the consensus statement via email. During the event a short intro will be given to the project and there will be time for group discussion and for you to ask questions and give feedback. After the event we will follow up via email asking for individuals or institutions to sign up to the statement, if they haven’t already. If you are unable to attend to the event but would like to see the consensus statement and provide feedback please still register and provide feedback via email to katie.oldfield@researchdata.scot For all other queries please contact elizabeth7.green@uwe.ac.uk

Past Events

Virtual Workshop: Exploring trust and statistical disclosure control in TREs

Date: Tuesday 6th June, 10:30–12 (BST)

Target audience: Members of the TRE community

Location: Online virtual event

We invite members of the Trusted Research Environments (TREs) community to attend a virtual workshop discussing “Trust and statistical disclosure control in TREs”.

Alongside the technical work involved in the SACRO project there is a strand exploring elements of trust and statistical disclosure more broadly. We are looking for input from members of the TRE community into a consensus statement on this topic. This statement will also include input from public representatives as well as a literature review.

This will be an interactive session and will involve a presentation from the team on:

  • Statistical and operational aims of the SACRO project
  • Summary of literature review work
  • Our collaborative work with public members to provide insight and feedback into.

This event is part of the SACRO DARE UK Drivers Project- which aims to improve and overhaul elements of TRE’s to improve the experience of researchers and output checkers when mutually engaging in Disclosure Control. This event will allow those working in TREs to give their opinions and professional experience to inform the development of new tools, guidance and resources and allow the research team to ensure that the actual needs of the future users are being met.

To register for this event https://uwe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ergyD5gzb9LCe4S

We welcome a range of TREs not limited to the TREs involved in the project- and we are happy for international TREs to join in so please share with your contacts.

(Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash)

People in a room sitting round a table talking. One person standing in front of a wall pointing to multiple post-it notes on a white wall. Image illustrative only.

