SGB universe / Bar talks

First-ever NFT Bar

Sad Girls Bar


Glam Beckett — the heart, soul and the artist of the Sad Girls Bar project.

There is a place in web3 space, a shelter for the dark souls and rebels. A neon sign says «Sad Girls Bar» and you can hear moody jazz playing behind a Gothic style arched door. After passing the threshold you are embraced by the light scent of incense smoke mixed with perfume. Few elegant silhouettes are here and there. You feel safe now.

Sad Girls Bar is ​a hand-drawn, monochrome, and stylish NFT project with Sad Girls, Skeletongues and The Sad Cats created by female artist Glam Beckett.

Glam is an independent artist, exploring in her monochrome illustrations the feelings of melancholy, loneliness and nostalgia with dark, romantic or erotic overtones for more than a decade already.

Sad Girls Bar is our main and the very first PFP collection of 10,000 NFTs hand-drawn which was launched on August 23rd, 2021 and sold out by September 26th.

Sad Girls Bar is showcasing sad but yet strong girls with rebellious style and attitude. Sad Girls may look fragile and sensitive, but yet they’re confident enough and not afraid to express their feelings through a dark aesthetic.

Glam Beckett, the artist

The main and very first collection of Sad Girls Bar. See more and buy

In the times of toxic positivity and the lack of authenticity Sad Girls Bar stands for everybody who may prefer dark aesthetic, alternative and gothic lovers, those who feel like strangers in the cheerful NFT space.

Sadness is not something women should be ashamed of, it’s a common human emotion that should unite and even empower us. In this collection we wanted to show that it’s OK to explore emotions and ideas that might otherwise be described as too dark, melancholic or mysterious.

On October 21 Sad Girls became a little less lonely with the release of Skeletongues, our second collection which was a free mint for Sad Girls holders.

Skeletongues. See more and buy

Only 5.1K Skeletongues came from the Underworld to join the Sad Girls Bar. Skeletongues may remind us of death and that nothing lasts forever, but they also represent departed loved ones and a rebirth, strength and protection. Despite their dark nature they also have a romantic side too.

They all were created to support Sad Girls and always be their undead accomplices in exciting bar adventures. There is also a very rare living Sad Boy in the collection.

The Sad Cats — our third collection, dedicated to the most loving and affectionate animals — were released on December 22, 2021, giving Sad Girls another companion.

Cats can help our mental health just by being themselves, can calm us, reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as ease loneliness. So we created Sad Cats because they are just perfect companions for Sad Girls!

There are 7k Sad Cats of different breeds: British, Oriental, Sphynx, Maine Coon and Skeleton. All of them share the same fashion style and rebellious spirit as Sad Girls — cats do as they please, they don’t care about spilling your drink or taking a bite of your pizza.

The Sad Girls, the Skeletongues and the Sad Cats all play a critical part in the Sad Girls Bar storytelling, having a potential to create something bigger together. But that’s another story to be told.

Stories told at the bars are very fragile things — composed of sounds and ideas translated on thin air, they disappear once they’ve been spoken. Though some of them may outlast a lot of people soothing the souls of generations. We believe that ours belongs to that very rare kind.

A stranger walks into a bar…


