Glam Beckett
Sad Girls Bar
5 min readAug 24, 2022


Today we celebrate the first Sad Girls Bar birthday.


Sad Girl with special Birthday trait — template here.

And for the first time we are offering you not just a drink but also a fresh and hot wrap.

Let’s wrap the history of the first-ever NFT bar!

On August 23rd, at 1pm EST first Sad Girls came to life. Later then, after a long hard road that we’ve passed hand in hand with our community, all 10k SGB reached sell out in the morning of September 26th.

Sad Girls weren’t alone for too long. Soon after sold out, we’ve made a companion collection of Skeletongues — free to mint for all SGB holders — 10k Skeletongues in total. But only 5.1k were summoned to join Sad Girls at the bar. The rest? Well, they went back to hell. This is what people mention in bar stories sometimes — they can be happy and can be terrifying. But sure, it makes Sad Girls Bar a real place.

Sad Girl and her Skeletongue companion

And cats, cats, cats… we had a winter of cuteness.

Fluffy and bold — they didn’t feel cold

as soon after release, they were pleased

In your loving arms.

Sold out with no harms.

The whole trio is sad

and set.

The Girl, the Living dead and the Cat.

Cute as hell Sad Cats

No paid promotions, no influencer’s pump/dump or manipulations — we released three successful and diverse collections just in 1 year, thankfully with support from our community and ambassadors. Since the beginning other projects and collectors, whom we are honored to call our friends, have given us significant support and attention: Deadfellaz, Ghxsts, Pranksy, Artchick, Pussy Riot, Bored Elon, ThankyouX, Paul Kohlhaas and many many others. Impossible to forget how Bored Elon changed his nickname to Sad Elon in our Discord.

Posts from Bored Elon, Pranksy, Seth Green

Little by little, our project got more and more traction, more and more people found their true selves, inner RocknRollas through a web3 identity of the Sad Girl.

We love and appreciate each one of our holders — all 5977 unique wallets. And happy to see Reese Witherspoon, Lionell Richie, Guy Oseary, Seth Green among them.

Imagine how excited we were to see a Sad Girl in the upcoming Seth Green’s TV show!

Sad Girl in the White Tavern trailer

And even a whole comic story from Comics from Josh Blaylock, known for PunksComics, Metahero Universe, and other cool projects.

It feels like a wind, a vortex of what has happened with our community during the first year.

Maybe you don’t remember what you were doing in Sad Girls Bar? Well, it is common here. Bartenders will help you to remember. Hey there, ask the kitchen for another wrap!

Remember how you’ve made SGB posters in the cool bars across the world? Celebrated great sense of humor and creative talent in the derivative, meme, art and cosplay contests.

Art Contest winner anoouncement

How cool it was to party at three IRL events (during just one year!) — two bars at NFT Berlin, Sad Girls stage and merch shop at Cruel World music festival in California, and a dance bar at SXSW with Unicorn DAO.

How proud were you to see Glam’s art in Times Square during NFT NYC 2022 and at the Adidas exposition in London? We had a lot of fun together!

Sad Girls Bar at Cruel World Festival
Sad Girls Bar at NFT Berlin

And love…Love and support from you have no borders. We donated Mind with 10 ETH to help women fight and defeat mental diseases and 5 ETH to the animal care fund.

And you became the first-in-the-world NFT Santa with Sad Cats mint to other wallets, as a gift to your beloved ones!

Do you know what is good about the Bar? There is always something cooking!

Soon you will have an opportunity to become an author of your own story with the Super NFT release, a metaverse explorer with 3D collection, and a fashion icon with SGB merch shop.

Our updated website with an absolutely new visual identity is also coming in September.

10+ brand activations for Sad Girls Bar are on the table, and during the next year we will present them to you as soon as they will be ready to release.

We thank you for everything and now invite you to celebrate our first birthday together!

Please check your wallet where you hold Sad Girls and open a bottle of exceptional wine.

Sad Girls Bar Wine Selection


Much love,

Sad Boy, Glam, Damien, Count Coby

