Saddle Ecosystem Updates: July 2021

Saddle Finance
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2021

We’ve moved to!

All Saddle news and content have moved to a new home. The new blog space has a lot of exciting features. Visit and subscribe to the new Saddle Blog to get the latest. Learn more about our decision to move onto Ghost and the new features here.

New pools, LP incentives, lower gas costs, new hires, and more. Updates for the ecosystem about the Saddle protocol and Saddle team: July 2021.

There’s a lot going on for the Saddle team and the Saddle exchange, as well as the broader ecosystem of DeFi, AMMs, and pegged value crypto assets. We want to make it easy for you to keep up to date with what’s going on with Saddle, so we’re compiling some periodic updates. Here’s a look at recent updates and announcements:


  • Celebrating $300 million in cumulative USD volume!
  • We passed $115 million in TVL!
  • The D4 pool liquidity passed $15m!

Team & Community

  • Welcome Zim Hang to the Saddle team as Growth and Community lead!
  • We’re still hiring! Engineering & marketing roles: see openings here.
  • Saddle founder Sunil was at the 2nd annual Global DeFi Summit to talk about “How to Enable Better Capital Efficiency with DeFi.” Watch here.
  • Snowball on Avalanche sent us the 2nd batch of their governance tokens as a thank you for building on the code we open sourced 🙏

Dapp / Exchange

  • Pool launches! The alETH pool is live in collaboration with Alchemix. The D4 pool is live with $ALCX $FXS $TRIBE $LQTY incentives. V2 of Stablecoin 3pool is live (migrate your liquidity if you haven’t already).
  • We’ve integrated Blocknative’s Notify.js on the Saddle frontend, enabling super fast notifications.
  • We’re deployed to Arbitrum’s testnet and are whitelisted for mainnet.
  • We’ve completed our metapool implementation and gas optimizations. Keep an eye out for updates soon!
  • We’ve finalized the UI/UX for V1 virtual swaps and are wrapping up implementing the frontend interface!


  • We’ve integrated with the top DEX aggregators in the ecosystem, including Paraswap, 1inch, Zerion, and Matcha.

Community Resources

Website | App Site | Blog | Discord | Twitter | Analytics



Saddle Finance
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Saddle is a decentralized automated market maker optimized for pegged value crypto assets.