Meditation: Consistency is everything

Trace Rawl
Mind Guides
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2018

If you’ve ever tried to start a consistent meditation practice, you know how difficult it can be. What type of practice should I learn? Should I sit silently, use guided meditations, or try out a mantra? I’ve been practicing 10 minutes a day and nothing is happening, is it working?

No matter how it may appear, I can assure you it is definitely working. This journey takes time, and we aren’t so used to delayed gratification in this day and age. The amazing thing about meditation is that, unlike everything else, the joy and happiness you get from the practice only continues to grow exponentially. Any happiness you get from something outside of yourself (Your family, passions, or money) will inevitably fade away, as anything that is created must eventually be destroyed. If, however, you find happiness within yourself, you suddenly have the ability to find comfort and poise when difficult situations arise.

The single most important factor in finding the benefits of meditation is consistency in your practice. Don’t worry at the beginning too much about which method is the best or which teacher is the most enlightened. As long as you are practicing consistently (I recommend 10 minutes a day for beginners, increasing by 5 minute intervals on a weekly basis or as you feel comfortable), the benefits will inevitably come to you. Don’t be concerned about whether or not you’re doing well, simply realize that you have already won the battle by taking those 10 minutes for yourself.

A very powerful way to stay consistent in your practice is to find others on the path and meditate together on a regular basis. You will walk away from these meetings feeling revitalized, motivated, and even somewhat accountable to the others to continue your practice. Use apps like meetup or even look for facebook groups in your area, you’ll be surprised at how many people are interested in meditation.

We also have a facebook group that is made for anyone wanting to connect with others interested in and practicing meditation. You can post a daily journal entry about your practice, ask questions to those with more experience, and coordinate with folks near you to organize in-person meditations together.

We spend so much time fulfilling commitments to others: Our family, our friends, our bosses. Why not make a commitment to ourselves, just for 10 minutes a day, to become more happy? I challenge you to spend the next 10 days sitting for 10 minutes a day. If you really want to kickstart your practice, I encourage you to journal about how you’re feeling and share it with our community over on facebook. As always, if you have any questions or would like some advice from someone who has been meditating for years, I am always happy to speak with people who are genuinely striving to better themselves. Send me an email at



Trace Rawl
Mind Guides

Host of Stories of Silence podcast ( | Meditation Teacher | Entrepreneur | Reminding you of your eternal, infinite nature. You are bliss!