Misunderstanding Sadhguru — Part 1 — Population Control

Devil’s Advocate
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019

#MisunderstandingSadhguru and quoting him out of context has become a fashion these days. So, this is a humble attempt to provide some context to it and clarify to those who are open about understanding it better.

Statement that is misunderstood

Sadhguru has said something like women who are capable of bearing children and choose consciously not to should be appreciated and awarded.

What is the problem with this statement

So, somebody who is definitely missing the context, says that Sperm is also an aspiration and such teachings should be given only to Muslims and not Hindus because Hindus are already practising such things consciously.

My thoughts about it

First of all, Sadhguru is not just teaching to Hindus! He has thousands of followers among Muslims and Christians. So, the premise of trying to teach Population Control to Hindus only is fundamentally incorrect.

Secondly, let’s say you always follow traffic rules. To a person like that, an advice as ‘please follow traffic rules’ means nothing really! So, if Hindus are consciously doing already, they would not care much about such advise. If they are not, then it is a wise advise to follow anyway.

Now, let us say, #PopulationControl is fundamentally needed only for the other segment who are not consciously following it. How do you spread the word into that society?

Typically, people who are well educated and aware of their actions set that trend even in otherwise regressive societies. And there is a high probability that such people follow the intellectual talk around the world!

This is how trends are set world over! And, Sadhguru is trying to get this trend set into such societies through well-educated people in those societies. Just look at it from that context and it makes sense to talk about it!

And then there are people who say Sadhguru should talk openly that Muslims are the cause of population boom in the world!

First of all, it will brand him anti-muslim and why would anyway want to listen to you, even if you are talking sense, once such a branding happens!

Secondly and more importantly, we do not know that for a fact actually — based on real population data — that muslims are the cause of population explosion! In certain areas, it could be true and religious tenets are usually quoted as the reason.

But so is the case with a lot of Christian communities who do not believe in following birth control practices. There are lot of Hindu communities who do not follow birth control practices either in Southern India!

So, if someone like Sadhguru is addressing it, it will have to be at a generic audience and not a specific religion or community.



Devil’s Advocate

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