Market Analysis Tools
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

As part of our development roadmap we are starting to work on the market analysis tools which will allow our backers to perform well-informed trading operations.

The Development:

Collecting, processing, analyzing and displaying all the important data for our backers from major exchange platforms will help to create an objective picture of the crypto market which will enable our community to make well-informed decisions on each trading operation allowing to achieve greater results in crypto trading. The set of tools is going to clearly reflect the current situation on the crypto market signalling for potential ups and downs for the selected trading pairs, whale activity and other major alerts. The system will be continuously improved and more data pieces will be analyzed to achieve the best possible results for our traders.

This phase consists of 3 key milestones.

Milestone 1. Research and analysis of the market aimed to determine the key demands within the crypto trading tools, collecting feedback from the community to sort out the requirements for such tools.

Milestone 2. Designing the initial set of tools allowing users to get a comprehensive and objective view on the crypto market as a whole.

Milestone 3. Testing and polishing of the developed tools in order to provide the exhaustive information of the current trends and signals from the crypto trading market.

The market analysis tools is going to become the first part of the full-spectrum crypto trading functionality of platform.Please visit the website to check out the full development roadmap for more details.



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