New Milestone-based Funding System
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2018

We are introducing a new milestone-based funding system with complete transparency for our backers. From now on the funding goals will be broken down into smaller steps allowing our backers to see exactly how effectively the funds are being used.

Such funding system was approved by major backers and our expert advisors and is implemented in context of current market situation as a proactive measure of ensuring the successful fund raising campaign.

Each development phase consists of a number of milestones, each milestone requires certain funding in order to be completed. Refer to the picture below (community build milestones):

Check out the roadmap on our website to see each development phase and learn more about each step, either planned or finished.

Our position on using the system is very clear: we want to achieve complete transparency and approval from our backers, as such system is unique among the ICO projects which usually do not set the clear short-term goals or provide any intermediate results, keeping the backers nervous and waiting for at least some of the promised products or services.

Instead of using the old soft and hard cap system we will have clear milestones. Once all the major goals are complete, the stretch goal system will be implemented, the period of raising funds for the stretch goals (effective marketing campaigns, localization and internationalization ) will be determined by our contributors via the voting system. is determined to solve the actual problems of the market and we always take into account the feedback collected from our community.

We believe that the introduction of the new funding system with its complete transparency will be welcomed and appreciated and will help us increase our reputation even further and succeed within the unstable market situation.



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