Project Status related to Metacloud Partnership

Published in
5 min readAug 28, 2022

Dear SafeGram Community,

Over the past week, we have been on receiving end of a strategic smear campaign aimed at the Metacloud project and malicious campaigns with an intent to extort funds from any partners, including SafeGram’s announced partnership with MetaCloud on May 11th.

SafeGram is a separate company from Metacloud and the smear campaign has crossed over to extortion with intent to damage our project in exchange of funds unrelated to our project. We have engaged FBI for extortion attempts on our employees and our company and are working together with authorities and have identified all related participants leading to arrest all perpetrators of this extortion campaign.

About SafeGram

SafeGram is a privately held company with private investors and public employees. We are at liberty to say that we have not taken any public funds nor participated in raising for another project in the industry.

Any other questions our community may have will be addressed during the upcoming AMA on 30th Aug, Tuesday at 4 PM UTC.

Metacloud Relationship

Relationship with Metacloud is a partnership based as outlined in our announcement back in May, which is typical in the blockchain industry, and lite advisory perspective on a need basis, both public and available for all folks to inquire about.

We do not have any potential/current employees on payroll working for us that happened to have participated in Metacloud for close to 3 months, and we are a completely separate project for those that haven’t noticed or are stubborn enough to keep pushing the agenda.

Our marketing is outsourced, and any attempt to relate third-party marketing to the Metacloud project through a coordinated smear campaign is simply inaccurate. Our current marketing contractors do not have any current or recent connection to Metacloud. They may or may not have participated in different projects and are deemed purely coincidental in the blockchain industry over which we do not have any control.

We wish the Metacloud team good fortunes in tackling the issue and addressing the disgruntled members and welcome Metacloud to investigate further claims by the groups of any prior employees involved in this strategic smear campaign.

Extortion and Law Enforcement

Furthermore, any continued extortion and slander attempts will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Fair warning to all the current fudders! We have engaged the FBI, and they are actively monitoring and tracking all the malicious threats against SafeGram and any of it’s partners. Current and further threats, fakes etc. will be collected and used against all participants of this smear campaign.

Thank you Message

We want to thank several of our partners, including industry partners that have already endured similar smear campaigns from the same smear campaign group earlier in the year, and provide a joint statement from several of our selected partners.

Statements from our Partners

Dan J | Founder — Revolve Games

“I would like to make a statement regarding the current FUD, which has permeated from a completely separate gaming project into SafeGram. I have spoken with the individual who is creating the FUD, have listened to his story, and have tried to reason with him, but it’s an impossibility. For the sake of Ivan (whom I have worked closely with since the inception of Revolve Games) and his team, this issue needs to be addressed, so their reputation is not unjustly tarnished in any way, shape or form.

The individual is not happy with his investment in Metacloud. I have only briefly looked into the situation with Metacloud and I am not at liberty to offer any sort of analysis on their project’s legitimacy or any details as to the inner workings of the project.

From my discussions with this individual, it is obvious that he is making a connection between Metacloud and Safegram due to Sam Sullivan being a founder of Metacloud and also working briefly for Safegram but left the project months ago. His logic is flawed and quite frankly I believe his frustrations are clouding his judgment and he is no longer thinking rationally.

I personally know Ivan very well and he is honestly one of the best guys in this space, he is humble, honest, loyal, honest, giving and far from greedy. I hope this individual will leave the matter at rest as Ivan is working very hard and has put a lot of his own money into building Safegram, a fantastic project with real value and real world assets to back it up.”

Hein | Collective

“Our association with Metacloud was a client-vendor relationship. We stopped working with them before their launch, and we have not associated with them anymore. This means we aren’t providing any community management or advisory services to the company.

We are now victims of targeted harassment because we provided essential Moderator Services to them. We have been hit by personal derogatory remarks toward some of our team members, and I must make it clear that we will not tolerate this.

All the concerns, questions or grievances of the community needs to be redirected towards Metaclouds’ management. All the parties must sit down and vouch for a collective resolution (if possible).

Please follow the suitable medium of communication and express your grievances lawfully. Unlawful activity will call for lawful action. We have identified other projects facing the same threats, and we are working closely with them to submit our complaint to the FBI. Expect a statement from them soon.”

Daniel | Metawise

“MetaWise was onboarded as an external Social Media agency for MetaCloud from April to June 2022. Over the past week, we have received threats over LinkedIn and our office phone numbers. We would like to clarify that MetaWise has neither been part of the internal decision making process of MetaCloud nor has invested in the project. From our interaction with the project, MetaCloud did try to develop an excellent Metaverse project engaging with a very famous development company. The crowd raise during the down market and the consecutive crash of BNB made a challenge for the project. We hope the disappointed community members get the information required from the Core Team, and we have requested the same from our end. Since we are also the Marketing partners for SafeGram, we can confidently say that the current FUD around MetaCloud does not have any relation to SafeGram. SafeGram’s CEO Ivan has been in the industry for many years and has earned a reputation as a very reliable and outstanding Member of the blockchain industry.”

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SafeGram, a DeFi Ecosystem Project providing DeFi to Fiat Remittance, SafeDEX (DEX), SafeStarter