SafeGram AMA Recap — 30.08.22

MetaWise Blockchain Marketing
Published in
14 min readSep 5, 2022

An interactive AMA (Ask Me Anything) session between Ivan (CEO, SafeGram Tech) and SafeGram’s Telegram Community Moderator took place on 31st August 2022.

Here is a recap:

The Moderator asked questions, and answers were given by Ivan (CEO, SafeGram).

Mod: We just want to talk about the status update of our project.

Ivan: My name is Ivan Tomic, the CEO and Co-Founder of SafeGram; I’ve been in crypto since quite early, starting in 2012. This was when I started learning and dabbling into blockchain like most very early adopters. That followed up with me going through the rabbit hole in crypto in 2015, 2016, 2017 and on, progressively just understanding more of the market, the blockchain industry and everything else along that ride.

I have picked up quite a bit of knowledge and understanding of crypto and have consulted and helped incubate projects to the tune of half a billion dollars, just so that people know how serious we are when we take upon a goal.

SafeGram was born as a concept to help the common folks have a better entry point going into crypto and also be able to tackle some of the barriers that are typically present in different parts of the world. For crypto to fiat or vice versa, the main item SafeGram itself has expanded from that concept into multiple refuge ecosystems and multiple products. Still, we can talk about that a little bit further.

The project itself has made a fusion between multiple platforms such as Send Money Services, SafeStarter, which is a launchpad, and SafeDEX, which is a DEX. So we have three very unique products in the industry that we have fused to make something very unique. When I say fusion, that also means reward systems and everything that’s put together in one package, which is very hard to do in the industry. Almost nobody is attempting to do anything like that. SafeGram is unique and blessed in that aspect.

Mod: The SafeGram Send Money Services, can you just explain how that works a little bit more in detail if possible?

Ivan: Send Money Services is a unique piece of our offering. It includes the ATMs. Now, people are gonna say, okay, well, what are you trying to convey about ATMs? ATMs are the physical manifestation of our digital presence in crypto, meaning that our ATMs will be physical, in particular locations, and can exchange your fiat for crypto or vice versa. So a unique ecosystem with something that most people are not even able to put together as a project. The product itself is provided on both the dapp on the website and through the physical ATMs. Just full disclosure, ATMs are not rolled out yet. But that’s on our roadmap as well, to be listed in different countries as we progress, and I can dive into that a little bit more later.

Mod: How do Send Money services function?

It’s built on a decentralised on-chain infrastructure platform, almost like the decentralized messaging system. It’s running specifically for transactional transfers and ATMs through our crypto-to-fiat bridge, powered by SafeGram Tech. The most important thing about it is that it’s decentralized & quick. It solves a lot of issues that centralized systems are just not able to do, and we provide typical alternatives to gatekeepers such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and other centralized systems. They are great systems, but they have a completely different way of interacting with you in crypto or transactionally between crypto and fiat.

So the whole system that we have is built as a single powerful package. We have users across the globe that can benefit from this product. The main thing about it is to consider yourself your walking bank, which is a huge statement! So we’re providing you with a dashboard to send funds in a secure and decentralized way with a goal for you to be a daily user, not just an occasional user. So that’s to be released in stages as we progress and build a POC (Proof of Concept). I’m sure everybody will enjoy the benefits of having another alternative in the crypto industry.

Mod: Do you know when this whole ecosystem will be rolled out?

Ivan: With the Send Money Services, we have a POC that we have rolled out. It’s just a beta proof of concepts of people who try things out. The second version was slated to release in 2022 quarter four, which will be a full bank on the full actual product, exactly how we all want it and how we want it for the community. We also have the ATMs, which we are very committed to building takes time, as you guys know, because of the logistics and everything else. But hopefully, by the end of quarter four, we should be able to start releasing some of those to public use or by 2023. We just have to kind of play the market in the right timing for everything and just logistically get everything ready.

In terms of the rest of the technology of SafeDex and also the SafeStarter, which are our other products, SafeStarter is almost ready and can be rolled out pretty soon once we decide on the best market conditions. And also will make sure that we have properly aligned partnerships to be able to roll out a product like that. The SafeDex is probably the hardest pickle as it’s the hardest product to launch. It requires SafeGram to set up the user base and other things. So it will be a progressive kind of rollout on that piece. But once we have it out, you guys will be amazed at some of the new products that we have, which are self-funding pools that are unique to the industry. We’re providing a unique product in the industry where you get a quality buffer for liquidity providers when the baseline prices oscillate during the entrance & exit of liquidity pool farms. We’re also blessed to have several great partnerships to collaborate with us on the collective raises, and I think most of the SafeGram & SafeStarter users will enjoy great benefits from using the platform.

Mod: There are a lot of moving parts to be cognizant of. Was that quite stressful for you to keep all of this together?

Ivan: Absolutely. I think if you work on one product, it’s fine. We’re not talking about two, we’re talking about three products, and they will have to hold their water. Right? So, yes, very, very, very time-consuming. You have to think on not one or two but three multiple levels. It’s just very, very challenging, but we’re blessed to be putting something incredibly unique, and anybody that’s involved in this project, such as the team, contractors and everybody else, believes that it’s a beautiful product. We’re very excited for everyone. SafeGram, as I always say to the team and everyone else, this product is bigger than anyone out there, putting myself or the individual as a team, so we’re very blessed to have a very solid crew, to be able to manage and put something out to the public that everybody can be proud of.

Mod: It sounds like you’ve got quite a strong team behind you, which makes it easier, which just leads me to the next question, which I think there are a lot of members that would like to just get some clarity on this recently, like a strategic smear campaign involving one of your prior connected projects. Can you just shed a little bit more light on this, if possible?

Ivan: Yeah, sure. Just to clarify, we have made an official statement this Monday, 29 August, regarding this, and we have posted our medium blog for all to read as an explanation of our position on the matter, including other people (others who the smear campaigns have targeted) testimonials regarding this issue. We have endured a strategic smear campaign over the past week.

Unfortunately, it was a case of extortion by forcing SafeGram to act on their behalf, which is very sad. This is not something we will tolerate, and we’re working closely with authorities to stop that. When I say authorities, we are working with the FBI and other authorities that we have engaged in putting a stop to this, so we’re not hiding around; we’re pretty serious, folks! Everybody that’s on our project is fully doxxed. They have their lives, they have put all their blood and sweat into a project like this, and we do not need anybody coming in and trying to destroy what we have been building. We are going to fight that with all of our full force, so we also want to be clear that we have identified all related participants leading to their arrest for this extortion campaign.

So to clarify, amongst dozens of other partnerships, we have an announced partnership with MetaCloud, in May of this year. We want to point out to all interested parties that SafeGram is a completely separate company from Metacloud. The smear campaign has crossed over to extortion with the intent to damage our project in exchange for funds unrelated to our project. So it’s kind of weird. I don’t think they are thinking right about what they’re doing, but it’s up to them how they want to proceed.

As to partnerships with Metacloud, it is a partnership outlined in our announcement back in May, which is typical in the blockchain industry, and lite advisory on a need basis, both public and available for all folks to inquire about.

We do not have any potential/current employees on payroll working for us that happened to have participated in Metacloud for close to 3 months, and we are a completely separate project for those that haven’t noticed or are stubborn enough to keep pushing the agenda.

We were a little bit behind on the website update, but that’s normal in the industry, just a little bit of housekeeping. Our team is fully doxxed on this site; all the employees are there, including me. Some of these campaigns aren’t something to take the light of, but we’re not buckling under any of that, and we’re making sure that everybody knows that we’re here to build our project and continue moving forward.

Lastly and most importantly, SafeGram is a privately held company with private investors and public employees. We are at liberty to say that we have not taken any public funds nor participated in raising for another project in the industry.

Our marketing is outsourced, and any attempt to relate third-party marketing to the Metacloud project through a coordinated smear campaign is simply inaccurate and very, very wrong as anybody knows in crypto, you have multiple marketing agencies working on multiple projects, sometimes 11–30 projects at a time. So that’s not unusual. Our current marketing contractors do not have any current or recent connection to Metacloud. They may or may not have participated in different projects and are deemed purely coincidental in the blockchain industry over which we do not have any control. So simple and pretty straightforward; people need to realise how crypto works.

We do wish the Metacloud team good fortunes in tackling any issues and addressing the potentially disgruntled members and welcome Metacloud to investigate further claims by the groups of any prior employees involved in this strategic smear campaign.

So I think on that end, we released our explanation on what we needed to say, and we’ll continue to defend our project. To be honest, we are just committed to building our project, and we have an impeccable record on our project as anybody can see in our records.

Mod: Thank you for publicly coming and clearing the air. I think that it’s quite important that people can see that you genuinely care about SafeGram and associated platforms like SafeStarter and SafeDex. SafeGram, that’s quite a big vote of confidence in my personal opinion and just two more positive things. Can you just explain the fee structure on the Send Money Services? I forgot to ask you about that.

Ivan: Yeah! The fee structure for Send Money Services is tailored mostly to the retailers and can be meaningful to the regular folks. The Send Money Services services are going towards being its online banking set up for people to be able to transact and do different things. Now, one unique feature: We don’t hold anybody’s funds. You simply are using your decentralised wallets when you’re sending stuff. In terms of the fee structure, yes, there’s currently in place for the POC. We have a flat fee, but that’s changing to dynamic to allow us to be more competitive in the field. That’s a normal stage in development. We’re just trying to adjust things as we go, and now is the best time to be as flexible as possible about the changes we’re making. The current fees are set up where up to 80% of the fee rewards go to partners and the community, which is huge. So the community will be able to enjoy huge rewards. The rewards come from the use of our platform in the bridge. So at no point are they being minted out of the blue. Hence, people need to realize that this project was and is always built around actual use, not any loan program. We can also fund Self-Funding Pools between 80% to 100% APY guaranteed. So as you can imagine, that means, and for people that don’t understand the full concept of how we’re doing it, we are funding SF pools from a bridge. Knowing exactly what we’re doing to provide those types of fees to people based on the structure. Moreover, as I said, up to 30% of the rewards are going to partners, so you can imagine why we also have a lot of partnerships and why we’re tapping into close to a million people on the user base from all the partners. We are slowly starting to convert the audience from our partners’ audiences here.

Mod: Can you tell me a little bit about SafeStarter? You’ve got a similar set-up there if I understand correctly.

Ivan: Yes, actually, SafeStarter is also very unique. We have built this with a notion of almost like remote control, and you just switch channels; you don’t necessarily have to go anywhere else. We will have not only exclusive projects for our launch pad, but we also have partner launchpad projects that are exclusive but will be offered through our platform as a boost raise for partners’ LPs. We are building a network of other partners and Launch Pads where instead of going through multiple and doing 50 negotiations separately as a project, you can get the majority of the players through us. And so it’s very, very unique on top of that. We have three more ways for users to participate:

  • Stake to participate: The regular way of doing it in crypto
  • Buy to participate: For the whales or people with heavy pockets that don’t have the time.
  • Engage to participate: For people that don’t have heavy pockets but a lot of time on their plate. So they can do engagement and get a portion of aggregated rewards for those actions. Every single step and decision that we make is bringing something very unique to the industry and innovative, and we’re very excited actually to launch almost every piece of our products.

Mod: I notice that you’ve partnered with quite a big startup pad recently. How would your relationship work with competitors’ startup pads? SafeGram, as a partner?

Ivan: Yeah, you might be referring to MoonStarter or another similar one. MoonStarter is a wonderful Launch Pad, holding the value of the tokens for their community, which is one of those rare examples in the industry and holding alongside Seedify and DAOMaker, which are big names you’ve heard of in the industry. All the other launchpads aren’t doing that well in the current markets, yet MoonStarter and the other two mentioned are holding their own and doing just fine, weathering this storm. This is enough for their community, investors, and the projects they always line up and provide a valuable benefit to the users. We’re very excited about the partnership with MoonStarter. We will be able to tap into their resources, and in turn, they can tap into ours. That’s almost a fail-proof partnership from my viewpoint. We look at everybody not as competitors but as partners.

Mod: Could you elaborate more on your native token — $GRAM?

Ivan: Sure! The key features in the $GRAM token will be used as an ability for you to gain access to some of the platform features. For example, while using Send Money Services, currently, you can use it without our tokens. Still, in the future, you can use our tokens and enjoy different benefits of the Send Money Service four tiers — basic, entrepreneurial, corporate and enterprise. The enterprise level is very hard to put together, so we will work on that later, but all the other ones are fairly easy to implement, and we will do that progressively. The same goes for SafeDEX, where you will have to be able to enjoy different pools such as Whitelisted Pools or various other VIP Pools, depending on what type of level of tokens you have. You also can use the $GRAM token as a way to enter into different tiers for SafeStarter. In essence, the tiers will allow you to get the allocations that you feel would make the most sense for you as a potential investor.

Mod: Will staking be allowed for $GRAM token?

Ivan: Yes, staking will be allowed on the DEX. Furthermore, we will have some very unique features in the industry for both the launch pad and the DEX. Whenever your stake, you’ll be able to get multiple rewards. When you stake in some of the court pools, you’ll be able to enjoy benefits, not only from SafeDEX, but trade & volume fees coming back as rewards to those certain pools, but you also get compounded rewards from the Send Money Bridge, which is almost like a 50–50. So 50% of rewards are coming from SafeDEX swaps, and up to 50% of rewards generated from fees are coming back into SafeDEX from Send Money Services. So a lot of rewards are going to be poured back into SafeDEX. So be on the lookout for that because it’s gonna be a pretty sweet set-up!

Mod: That’s certainly quite a good enough motivation to hold the token with all the rewards SafeGram, possible. That’s all I needed to know.

Ivan: We also do a follow-up compilation for anybody to read. We will also post some images of the ATMs along with other details for people to know that we are building something truly interesting out here. It’s not just all digital, it’s physical as well, which is a massive thing for us, and we look forward to seeing everybody. Probably, within the end of this quarter to list everything and get our token out and for anybody interested there. But as I mentioned, we’re not doing any crowdfunding or anything like that, so thank you very much, guys; I hope we see you out there in the crypto space!

Mod: Thank you! I just wanted to thank you for your willingness to make everything clear to explain this very complex ecosystem system to adopt the community. We can see that you’re very passionate about the whole ecosystem of SafeGram and associated SafeGram projects. It looks like you have put years of thought into this. It’s clear from the complexity, but again, thank you for being willing to have this voice AMA. It just puts the impetus on you as a project leader that you’re willing to come out and make things clear to the community.

Ivan: Thank you, I appreciate that. I look forward to answering any questions or our team, We’re very transparent, and we love our community. We love being in the crypto space, and we look forward to the future. But in the end, just enjoy crypto for its journey, not for bull runs or bear runs or anything like that. Just enjoy the journey; that’s what it’s all about.

Mod: Exactly; thank you once again, have a very good and blessed evening. Thank you, everyone, for joining.

Our Media: ⭐SafeGram Twitter | ⭐ SafeGram TG SafeGram TG Ann | ⭐ SafeStarter TG |⭐ SafeStarter TG Ann |⭐ SafeGram Youtube | ⭐️ SafeGram Medium



MetaWise Blockchain Marketing

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