Safein: MVP is here!

The first all-in-one identity and payment platform.

Lukas Deksnys
Published in
9 min readFeb 16, 2018



Where do we stand?

It is 2018 and we still see several new tokens listed on every day. Behind them, there are business ideas, product descriptions and service promises. You can easily search their name online and you are likely to end up on their project page with a standard package of items: Whitepaper, Team, ICO details, etc. Now, if you want to know more about their product, usually you run into trouble because details are not available. Even if you manage to find some limited information on how the product will look in the future, there is no functioning platform or operating service that you could test for yourself. But don’t get me wrong. There are also hardworking, devoted teams that have started their product development and are getting closer to achieving their vision. Here at Safein, we believe that work and actual results is a better way to build trust between business and its customers than plain words. We don’t want you to take our word for granted so we would like to invite you to test our MVP and see for yourself how Safein solution will make your online experience simple and enjoyable!

Two clicks and you are in

Skip registration and login to websites that you have never visited before.

  • Login plugin

Many websites require their users to register and confirm their email address before they can access its full content. Safein will make this step easier. We developed a plugin that can be integrated into any website and which can be used as an alternative way to log in.

1. The user will see a Safein button next to the standard login button.

2. After clicking “Continue with Safein” the user will be prompted with Safein pop-up containing the details that will be passed to the website. The list of items in the pop-up will contain all information that the website will receive and no additional personal details will be disclosed. The information about the user will be taken directly from the user’s Safein profile.

3. If the user is happy to share these details with the website, he will click “Continue as” button and he will enter the website.

This simple two-click process will enable Safein users to access any website quickly. It will save time by allowing to skip tedious registration and email confirmation processes. In the future, we are also going to introduce anonymous logins. In other words, users will be able to access websites, and the websites will be able to authenticate the users without actually receiving any personal information. Of course, this will only apply to websites where user data is not required to perform their services.

Secure but simple

Feel confident that your personal data and identity are secure.

You would be surprised how often data breaches happen. In fact, there so many user profiles have been compromised in the past that there is a very little chance that your email or password has not been leaked in one the data breaches. Websites like can help you check if your email or other personal data has been stolen. In many cases, this does not have any serious impact on individual’s life and it often remains unnoticed. However, there are also cases when this practice turns into hackers asking exposed users for a ransom and threatening the victims to publish their private data.

We believe that best way to protect user data is for Safein and its users to work together. Therefore, we developed three important features that will empower our users to control how secure their personal details are.

  • Activity tracking

Safein users can track their login history and currently active sessions. This means that they can quickly spot any suspicious activity.

They can also see a more detailed view of each login session:

- Location of the device that was used to access the website
- Device that was used
- User data that was shared with the website

Now we are working on mobile push notifications that will inform Safein users when a new login session occurs. The users will be able to customize their notification experience by choosing when they will appear and what content they will show. Also, they will be able to whitelist devices and locations. For example, you might now want to receive a notification every time you log in to an online shop using your home PC.

  • Enhanced security level PC

Another important security feature is Safein’s two-factor authentication (2FA). We reviewed the most popular 2FA solutions in the market, like Google Authenticator, and we found a way to make it more convenient for the users without making it less secure. The whole idea of 2FA is to verify each login attempt with a specific physical device that cannot be replicated. Regular passwords are insecure because they can be easily leaked over the internet but no one can easily get access to your mobile device that you carry in your pocket. This is how our system works:

1. Every user will have to link their mobile device (only for the first time) when registering on Safein platform.

2. Once a user logs in to a 3rd party website using Safein login, the website will appear on user’s Safein account. The user will then be able to adjust login security level.

3. If the user decides that this website contains sensitive information (for example, order history of online purchases), he can change the security level to “Enhanced”.

4. The next time the user will try to log into the website, he will receive a prompt on the linked mobile device to confirm the login attempt.

It means that no one will be able to log into the website without having direct access to the physical linked mobile device or without knowing the PIN to unlock it. Some other 2FA services require users to enter an auto-generated 4–6 digit number to continue which can become a real pain if the user needs to log in quite often.

  • Session timeouts

University library is one of the places where people get fraped most often. You just walk away from your PC for a second to prepare yourself a hot beverage when suddenly you hear your phone beep. You check it and you see that someone just “liked” your new post on Facebook which reads “I have just shaved my hair, who wants to buy?”. This example doesn’t sound very harmful. However, it can be, especially, if you leave your public PC unattended with sensitive data exposed. Since Safein is your control tower that directs your personal data traffic, we added automatic termination of login sessions. It means that the users can choose themselves how quickly their Safein account will be logged off when inactive.

We are always busy

Features we are currently working on that will go live soon.

  • Identity verification

Registering on a website that requires your email address and some extra personal details that I mentioned previously was just the start. One of the Safein’s main purposes is not only collect but also be able to verify the data provided by the users. This includes verified email, phone number, identity and address. Currently, we can confirm email addresses. Next, Safein users will be able to verify their phone number. They will receive a text message to their phone and Safein mobile app will confirm that the given phone number belongs to the user. At the same time, we are working on ID verification. Firstly, the users will need to take a photo of their passport, ID card or driving license. Then they will have to take a picture of themselves that will have to match the photo printed on the ID. Finally, the system will read personal details on the document and compare them against information provided by the user.

We are excited and we are looking forward to seeing these features live shortly. This will open up a large pool of crypto, gaming, and e-commerce businesses that will be able to use Safein to facilitate their user onboarding process.

  • Right to be forgotten

According to EU legislation, every user has a right to demand their service providers to completely and permanently delete all their personal information. However, having rights if you cannot easily exercise them in practice is not very useful. Therefore, we added a feature to delete the records of any website that Safein user has passed their details to. Not only the website will be deleted from Safein account, but the 3rd party website will also receive a request to remove all personal information acquired from the user.

In the pipeline

Great things that will come next.

  • Payments: fiat and crypto

Safein services will comprise of two main parts: verified user authentication and payment processing. As mentioned above, user authentication is already live and working. User identity verification is also underway and will complete the authentication services. The second essential part of Safein’s services, payments, will be the next major feature that is scheduled to be partially released this year. We are going to introduce digital wallets and crypto payments in 2018 Q3. Safein users will be able to pay for services and product online using the most popular cryptocurrencies and Safein tokens. In addition, those paying with Safein tokens will be able to claim cashbacks on each transaction. Looking further ahead, in 2019 Q2 we are planning to introduce fiat payments. We have already started working on acquiring EMI license which is a prerequisite for any business issuing electronic money.

  • Currency exchange

The sole purpose of a payment is to transfer value between two parties regardless of the tools or currencies used to enable this action. Nevertheless, we live surrounded by many payment options, intermediaries and currencies that serve the same purpose. As much as we would want to have a single currency and one decentralized vehicle to perform accounting, the reality is different. Therefore, once the payments are launched, Safein will introduce internal exchange services where users will be able to perform currency conversions. If there is a mismatch between currencies stored in Safein wallet and currency required by a merchant occurs, the system will perform currency exchange automatically and deduct the equivalent amount from user’s primary balance.

  • Integration

This last item might sound trivial but actually, it might be the most important one. Having all these great features would be of little use if websites and merchants were not able to integrate Safein easily. Therefore, we are going to prepare easy-to-install plugins for the most prominent e-commerce platforms and detailed documentation for developers. Right now, our goal is to learn what are the biggest challenges for businesses when integrating 3rd party solutions and understand how we can make this process as simple as possible. We will be working closely with our first clients and we will be continuously improving merchant onboarding process.

The end?

Closing remarks.

It might be the end of this article but for Safein this is just the beginning. We embarked on this exciting journey to make routine online processes simple and efficient. You can help us achieve these goals by testing our MVP, leaving feedback and joining our social media channels. In return, we will keep you regularly updated on our progress and continue working on Safein platform.

Safein ICO starts on March 20. For more details, please, visit our website and join our Telegram group

