What you need to know about the SafeKeet ICO.

Camille Granghon
Published in
1 min readJan 11, 2018

You heard of the SafeKeet ICO and have some questions, are curious about our project ? This medium article is a good place to start!


First things first: here is our website safekeet.io where you can find infos about ICO’s evolvement, team, press releases, etc.

White Paper

The White Paper is a document that specifically explains every aspects of the ICO. 45 pages of detailed infos!

Light Paper

Not rady for 45 pages? So here is our very pictorial 3 pages Light Paper. [LINK TO COME]

SafeKeet video

2 minutes to discover SafeKeet, our team, our office, and to see our boss speaking English ;) .

BitCoinTalk topic

The Bitcointalk forum is a pretty big deal for discussing ICO, tokens and Bitcoins. So we started a thread where anyone is welcome to discuss about SafeKeet ICO. In addition, there is also a thread dedicated to SafeKeet’s Bounty program[LINK TO COME].

Social Media

Join us on the social medias of your choice so SafeKeet keeps you updated and ask the team all of your remainig questions:



Camille Granghon
Editor for

CMO at RedKeet. Lauching ICO for SafeKeet 15 JAN 2018.