MAID Relisted on ChainRift

David Irvine
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2019

As you may have heard, Poloniex has decided to delist MaidSafeCoin (MAID), perhaps because of its new relationship with Justin Sun. Obviously we are disappointed by this turn of events. The Poloniex exchange is about to lose one of the oldest and strongest communities in the crypto world. However, we are making the most of this situation by broadening the base of exchanges listing MAID, which will give more choice to the market, particularly in the US.

After the news came out, ChainRift reached out to us saying that they are fans of the project and would be happy to support our community.

ChainRift is an exchange that really takes care of their users and you can see that from their Trust Pilot score which is the best in the industry.

We are happy to announce that MAID was relisted on ChainRift today. Trading for MAID/BTC trading pairs is open now!

As you may remember, MAID used to be listed on ChainRift but there was no volume at the time due to many factors. The story is very different now. We need solid exchanges and ChainRift looks to be just that.

We’ll be providing some early liquidity to ChainRift and we’re delighted to offer another trading option for those in the community who have been keen to find an alternative place to trade their MAID.

The ChainRift team will be answering questions in this forum topic and also on Reddit and we’d encourage you all to ask them any questions that you might have.

P.S. Don’t forget to share your ChainRift referral link, it lets you cash in on their fees sharing program that is one of the most generous out there.



David Irvine

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.