Network News: Monday 17th September

Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2018

We are kicking off the week with a bang today with three big announcements! After the successful release of Peruse v0.7.0 last week, today we’re deprecating the existing version of the SAFE Browser (which was based on Beaker) in favour of an updated custom-extensible open source version. Secondly, we’ve revamped the Request for Comment (RFC) process and to celebrate, we’ve launched two new RFCs. And last, but not least, you can now also find MAID listed on the ChainRift exchange!

SAFE Browser Release

Up until this point we have been using a forked Beaker Browser which has been modified for use as the SAFE Browser. However, it’s become clear in recent months that a custom browser will provide us with far more advanced and SAFE-specific functionality. In addition, Beaker has changed a great deal since we originally forked the code causing the team to encounter various problems with the code, especially with regards to changes that might be made upstream and therefore out of our control.

Having learned a lot from the work done on the Beaker Browser the team decided to create a custom browser in Electron. Apart from the obvious advantages that this decision gives us around control, this also had the added bonus of allowing us to develop a modular UX.

Relaunch of RFCs

The SAFE community and our open source ethos are central to the SAFE Network. We are pleased to therefore announce today that we have revamped and relaunched the RFC process in order to ensure a clear process for core developers who are looking to engage with our code. As a quick recap, the purpose of RFCs is very much to ensure that anyone can collaborate with our development. Although we have views internally about the best way to proceed with implementation, it’s crucial that the best ideas — wherever they originate in the community — end up at the top of the pile, in prime position for implementation. This is exactly what the RFC process is intended to achieve.

David Geddes has been working hard on the new process and we look forward to seeing what you all think in the coming weeks. To start things off, today we’re proposing an RFC for Malice Detection as well as a new Safecoin Alternative Implementation RFC. Have a look at both of these on GitHub now.

ChainRift Exchange Listing

Finally we are also please to see MAID live on another exchange from today. ChainRift is a US-based exchange who are looking to be at the forefront of technological innovation. After discussions with the team at ChainRift, we believe that they share a number of our key values and we’re excited to see another exchange option available to our community members.

As ever, there is plenty more to come over the current weeks and months. For regular updates, please sign up to our YouTube channel, Twitter and Medium accounts for the latest news.




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