Help Wanted: Head of Advisory

Laura Bell
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2017

Hello again!

It’s been a while. How are you?

We’re good. Thought you should know though…love is in the air at SafeStack HQ and we might need your help.

Once upon a time…

You know this story.

Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. They go on amazing adventures together and the seed of a beautiful relationship is planted.

Like all good movie plots however things are not always simple. He lives in Auckland, New Zealand and she lives in Sydney, Australia. It’s like Romeo and Juliet but with less Leonardo DiCaprio and more Kangaroos.

So they travel to see each other, earn an obscene number of airpoints and that little seed flourishes….

Fast forward a year and the time has come for our star-crossed lovers to take the leap of faith. Someone had to move, something had to give… Love has claimed its price.

Our Head of Advisory Services, Dean Carter is off to follow his heart and move to the land down-under (or up and slightly to the left if you’re in New Zealand).

While Dean will stay with our little family as a Security Nomad, SafeStack has a heart shaped hole and we need to fill it.

SafeStack is looking for a new Head of Advisory Services…. in essence we need a new second in command.

It’s time to do the recruitment thing again.

About you

You have experience running and growing a security advisory team.

You can sell things without resorting to fear. You can sell a team and it’s solutions, not just your own abilities.

You live and breathe information or application security. You have been doing this long enough to know what you don’t know and have some real stories to share.

You know how to balance delivery with managing a team.

You appreciate workflow automation and data driven decisions.

You can make other humans (real world, normal ones) understand and care about complex things without hurting their brains. You may have done this in the form of conference talks and published whitepapers. You can show us evidence of these.

You are a hands on, pragmatic person that understands how important security is to growing an awesome company.

You like to go fast.

You have experience training and coaching people and actively want to do more of it.

You appreciate simplicity over complexity.

You know about failing at stuff, learning from it and avoiding past mistakes.

Perhaps you have worked on a small team or for a small company before, and understand the challenges of budget and resourcing.

You don’t mind getting stuck in and helping us grow.

You have a life outside of technology.

You have the legal right to work in New Zealand or you would qualify to get a visa once your move here.

About us

We are 10 people based in Auckland, New Zealand. We are an advisory, training and Software as a Service (SaaS) company.

We are based in a charming “second-hand chic” office on High Street. We will never own a ping pong table, ever (but we do now own an oscilloscope and a tambourine).

We are a mix of developers, trainers and consultants and often work across roles and help each other out.

We work with over 60 customers in 7 countries.

We like working together, funny gifs, cheesy TV shows, the ocean, tweed, bass guitars, board games, cats, comic books, video games, family time, hats, movies, good food and a million things in between.

It has been less than 2 days since our last screw up. We will screw up again soon, but we believe in failure and blameless culture.

We try (really hard) to work no more than 37 hours a week, encourage good healthy habits and make work a nice place to come to. We share our practices openly and support each other.

We build our own tools where we have to, we use other peoples tools where we can.

We value community and collaboration and believe we are stronger when we work together.

We are happy to accommodate part-time or altered working patterns if you have other important things in your life like a family or outside commitments.

Does this sound like you?

So if you read all the way down here and think this could be you. We would love to talk to you.

We don’t like CV’s very much. We do like animated gifs.

We especially welcome applicants that make us more diverse, whether that be gender, religion, ethnic origin, age, physical ability or any other factor I will have forgotten to list here.

Stage one of our recruitment process is filling out a quiz on the amazing Weirdly platform.

Click to complete the application quiz

One last thing…

This will be a hard role to fill. You will be working closely with me, my right hand. We need to get this right.

If you have any questions before you complete the application quiz, drop us an email to

I won’t reply to recruitment agencies or outsource companies. I don’t like generic emails and if you get my name or gender wrong it will make me sad.

If you email me, please include a funny picture in your email. My inbox is a terrible nest of dragons right now. (Also this proves that you actually read this job advertisement, a skill that not all our applicants have.)

We would rather have an empty seat than the wrong person in it.

Laura Bell

CEO, Founder and Chaos Monkey… your new boss?

P.S Go apply !



Laura Bell

CEO of, application security wrangler, repeat dreamer, some-time builder, python juggler and mom.