Help Wanted — SafeStack Advisory Board

Laura Bell
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

Well hello again,

The time has come, the team have had an intervention….

I’m no longer allowed to call my company teeny tiny anymore. There are 11 of us and we have 60 clients in 7 countries and a revenue generating SaaS platform.

‘Teeny tiny’ seems to undersell what we are now.

This year, 2017 marks our transition from chaotic beginnings to building for growth and globalization. It’s time for me to put on my big girl trousers and kick some ass. You can read more about our achievements so far here.

If you have been following our adventures, you will know I have been wearing many hats. The life of a sole founder is complex and has many competing concerns, especially in a bootstrapped company like ours. I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved in two years and excited to see what we are able to do next.

The strength of a founder is knowing when to pull a team around her and complement her leadership. It’s time to build the leadership and board for my company and that starts here.

Today I open applications for the first SafeStack Advisory Board.

Our advisory board

This board aims to give SafeStack the oversight and guidance to transition from teeny tiny to big and mighty. This isn’t a full governance board… yet but it will be.

Positions will run for 1 year terms, with review each 12 months to ensure that everyone at the helm remains a good fit. As our company evolves, our leadership roles will too.

We welcome applicants from around the world, if you can handle video chats and remote working tools (or you can let us teach you) we want to hear from you.

If you have grown something from nothing and turned it into a global vehicle in your industry, we want to hear from you.

If you know you have experience, contacts and the brain wiring to turn controlled chaos into cutting edge, we want to hear from you.

Different is good, experienced is awesome

You won’t look like us.

You won’t sound like us.

Your path will have been different from mine.

You will have opinions

You might not be from the security industry

You will know when to run fast and when to stop and think.

We know this. We welcome it (I welcome it).

Think this sounds like you?

SafeStack is trying to do something a little bit different in an industry that’s about as sexy as tax law and accounting*.

(* many of our good friends are in tax law and accounting, we mean this in the nicest possible way)

We are going to need the right leadership team, a lot of diversity and lot of experience to achieve this(as well as some good old fashioned science/experimentation).

If you want to change the world and make it a more secure place….

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Apply now at Weirdly.



Laura Bell

CEO of, application security wrangler, repeat dreamer, some-time builder, python juggler and mom.