Wellington Security Big Day Out 2017

Laura Bell
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2017

It’s time we talked about something serious.

Something that has been making the SafeStack team sad for some time.

Security isn’t inclusive

It's simply not available to everyone.

Security is a growing area of concern for businesses of all shapes and sizes, but in the not-for-profit sector it’s often treated as something that you’ll get to eventually, after you’ve saved the world.

Because charities and social good organisations are typically driven by volunteers, and work with the leanest of budgets, very few ever get round to securing their online world, yet an attack on such an organisation can have a devastating effect.

If this doesn't fill you with sad feelings then you're clearly a robot.

At SafeStack, we can't change the world, we're just 10 people.

But we can do something to try and help those organisations that are trying to “do good” in the world.

Security Big Day Out 2017

On 22nd November 2017, SafeStack will be running a giant free workshop for charities, non-profits and organisations that will give basic security survival skills to those organisations in need….

For Free.

That's right.

Nothing, nada...zilch

Our advisory team are heading to Wellington and giving a day of free training and help to as many charities and non-profits as we can …

There is no catch

We're not here to sell.

We are here because we want to give back.

To honour our commitment to community and to help those who don’t have the resources to help themselves.

Join the Security Big Day Out 2017

Date: Wednesday 22nd November 2017

Time: 9:30–12:30pm

Location: Central Wellington TBC

Sign up now via EventBrite

Sign ups are now open. Tickets are free and first come first served but we do reserve the right to vett sign ups and ensure that we give seats to the right people.

Spread the word! Tell your friends… let’s do this together.

Lend a Hand

If you’re the sort of person who can lend their skills and experience to our cause, send us a message at hello@safestack.io and help us make this event the biggest free training event of November 22nd ;)



Laura Bell

CEO of SafeStack.io, application security wrangler, repeat dreamer, some-time builder, python juggler and mom.