De-clutter your Data

Stephani Kunce
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2019

We know that it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Ice cream? Better start hitting the gym. Time off of work? Sounds great, but we have a tendency to go a little stir-crazy after a while. And while we know the importance of having a wealth of rich, meaningful data, we can also recognize the issues with having too much data.

Too much data?” you say. “You’re crazy!” And after months of preaching to you about the ways that having all your data at your fingertips can help you manage your department’s safety more efficiently than ever, we can see how you might say that.

But we promise we’re not crazy — hear us out:

How many times have you gone digging through the “junk drawer” in your home, looking for that one thing. Too many to count, right? Now, we know that your junk drawer has some useful stuff in it — ours does too — but when you put a bunch of items in one place, important or not, it can get a bit difficult to find what you’re looking for.

The same is true when it comes to your stored data.

Yes, it’s useful to have your data stored in one convenient location, but when you have so much data stored there, how are you able to find exactly what you need exactly when you need it? If you’re looking for record of a property damage that’s stored amid a great number of injury reports, or vice versa, it can get a bit cumbersome to sort through the information to find the exact piece that you’re looking for.

We considered that. And moreover, we created a feature to mitigate that hassle.

Like a drawer organizer for your team’s safety data, SafetyCommitteeApp allows you to separately record your property damage reports from your injury reports so you can search for them independently of one another. That means that if a near miss or other sentinel event occurs, you can search for just the injury report, or just the property damage report, without having to sort through piles of information in order to find what you need. All of the information regarding that specific event is located in the same place, but you’ll spend a lot less time and effort finding what you’re looking for.

This feature is especially useful when it comes to preparing for your department’s safety meetings. If there’s one thing we know, it’s the importance of these meetings — they are absolutely crucial to ensuring that your department is up to speed on the latest safety-related policies and procedures. Not only are they a critical tool for dissecting any mishaps, they’re also paramount in implementing strategies for mitigating the risks of future occurrences.

Though important to the work your department is doing, we also recognize that managing your safety meetings can be tedious and cumbersome. You’ve got a department to run, and between assembling your discussion agenda, taking roll call, and recording your meeting minutes, it can feel like you’ve got another full-time job on your hands.

One of our primary goals in developing SafetyCommitteeApp was to create a tool that would help you to seriously cut back on the time and effort it takes to manage your department’s safety meetings. We know you have work to do, and we wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to run efficient, concise, and — most importantly — effective safety meetings.

With the creation of SafetyCommitteeApp’s separate property damage and injury reports, we eliminated the need for combing through your documentation to piece together a viable meeting agenda. Now, you can integrate all the relevant parts of your reports — whether you need information on property damage alone, or the entire event — into a cohesive agenda that your team will find useful and informative.

So now that we’ve come down to it, maybe it’s not an issue of “too much data.” Maybe instead, it’s an issue of “too much data stored the wrong way.” It’s far too easy to succumb to clutter and disorganization. But luckily for you, there’s SafetyCommitteeApp, so you can make sure that the one thing you’re looking for is never more than a few clicks away.

