Narrowing Down the List: Helping you Categorize and Locate your Injury Reports

Stephani Kunce
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2019

Choices are good.

They’re everywhere, prevalent in every facet of our existence; they make up the fabric of our daily activities. What will we eat for dinner? Which one of our shows will we stream tonight? Choices allow for the ultimate customization of our lives. What would an ice cream shop be, after all, if they only offered one flavor? What would our lives be if we ever only tasted vanilla, never knowing the rich, luxurious flavors of a cone full of chocolate or strawberry?

We can all agree that choices benefit us. But what happens when there are too many choices? Whereas the ability to decide allows us the freedom to craft our lives into something that we find desirable, too many choices can sometimes leave us feeling paralyzed. Have you ever been to a restaurant where flipping through the menu feels more like reading an encyclopedia cover-to-cover? Were you anywhere close to ready when the server came around to take your order?

The same sort of option-related confusion can easily be applied to the way you catalog and navigate your team’s injury reports. You know what you’re looking for, but when you come face-to-face with years’ worth of reports that have been thrown haphazardly into a folder on your computer or — even more daunting — your filing cabinet, finding exactly what you need can seem an impossible task.

Now think once more about that too-long restaurant menu. Can you imagine how much more difficult your decision would be if the dishes weren’t sorted into “chicken,” “pasta,” or “vegetarian” options?

Here at SafetyCommitteeApp, we saw the struggle, and we wanted to find a way to help you put it behind you. “But SCA,” you might say, “you store all of my data in the cloud. How will I ever find exactly what I’m looking for?” And you would be right — the cloud can store infinitely more information than that filing cabinet in the corner — but we created SafetyCommitteeApp in a way that allows you to easily sort injury reports so that you can easily find them later.

Say a member of your team is injured. With the traditional reporting method, you might create an injury report that summarizes the type of injury and how it came about. That will be useful for analyzing that one particular case later on, but what happens when you want to compare that injury to others like it in order to see what went wrong?

At SafetyCommitteeApp, we created a platform that allows you to report your injuries as they happened, just like you would in your traditional reports, but we also provided a drop-down list that allows you to select the type of injury that occurred. That way, when you want to search for one particular type of injury later on down the line, SafetyCommitteeApp has categorized them in a way that will allow you to more reliably track your data. The way we see it, when your injury reports are easier for you to find, you’re more apt to learn from them.

Choices are good, yes, but there’s a stark difference between choosing from ten flavors of ice cream and recalling which term you used when you described the injury that took place in your department last year. In circumstances such as the latter, narrowing down the list of decisions you make in your reporting can go a long way toward ensuring that you’re able to easily relocate your data. Think of it as the difference between choosing chocolate or vanilla, or choosing one flavor from every flavor of ice cream ever invented. At SafetyCommitteeApp, we’ve made it our mission to narrow down the field, so you can spend less time searching for your injury reports and more time learning from them.

