Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Stephani Kunce
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2018

Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

At SafetyCommitteeApp, we believe that kind of mentality is outdated. After all, we’ve come a long way since our early days, and we’ve found that each iteration presents a new challenge for us to recognize and overcome. Your feedback is invaluable to us — each piece of feedback means that there’s another set of eyes on the application, helping us to identify and work out the kinks before we bring the product to the public.

We may think we have it all figured out, but there’s always more to learn.

That rings true for us, the creators of SafetyCommitteeApp, but it applies to your team, too. No one learns how to do their job well overnight, and even the most seasoned members of your team could likely use a brush-up from time to time.

But where to start? It’s hard to know what you don’t know. Taking inventory of things to improve upon can be difficult when you’re also trying to reach your goals, manage your team, or even just trying to get through a hectic day. Before you know it, that procedure you wanted to review with your team has been relegated to the back burner of your brain, only to be revisited the next time someone’s slip-up reminds you.

SafetyCommitteeApp can help you with that.

In fact, we created SafetyCommitteeApp for exactly this purpose — to help your department keep track of near misses and sentinel events, and to turn the data from those accidents into something that you can use to help your department stay safer and healthier.

Having clear, easily accessible data is just like having another set of eyes on your department — when you have good data, you’re able to more easily identify the behaviors that need correcting, which makes it easier to train your people. For instance, if you notice that your data starts indicating that first responders are continuously getting stuck by needles, you may determine that additional training is needed to bring those first responders up to speed with your safety practices and procedures. Often it’s not so dramatic — perhaps you simply want to give your department a leg up on their health and safety training. Your SafetyCommitteeApp includes dozens of “Take Fives,” topics that are designed to get the ideas and conversation flowing while you make sure that your department is up to speed on topics like winter weather safety, heart health, and diversity in the workplace.

If there are gaps in your training, the data you have stored with SafetyCommitteeApp can show you where they are, so you can determine the best way to train your department against them. And even if you think your team has it all figured out, even the most well-oiled machine of a department can make improvements that will help keep its members healthy and safe.

The members of your team are the heart and soul of what you do — why wouldn’t you want to identify the ways in which they could operate more safely and efficiently? At SafetyCommitteeApp, we know that old dogs can learn new tricks. We’ve seen it done, and we’ve done it ourselves — let us help you do the same.

