Why a SafetyCommitteeApp?

Pure Blue
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2018

We know that there are few things as important as keeping your people safe.

Your people know it, too — they’re out there day in and day out, working hard to make our communities better and safer places to live. Public work isn’t easy, and there is certainly no shortage of things to worry about. Between injuries, near misses, OSHA compliance, and the routine safety committee meetings, you’ve got quite enough on your plate. We created SafetyCommitteeApp to help make it easier.

Sentinel events — whether they result in injury or property damage, or are simply near misses — are never pleasant experiences. The last thing you want to do is relive them for the sake of a grueling report that will be stored in a file for some later, unforeseeable date. We wanted to take the tedium out of your reporting, so we created a clean, user-friendly interface that makes it easy to collect the necessary information in a straightforward way.

But what use are your reports when they’re not easy to access? We envisioned an application that allows you to access your stored reports from anywhere. All of the data you record using SafetyCommitteeApp is stored in the cloud, which means that you can refer back to your data on any device, at any time. And when everything is where you need it to be, it makes it easier to comply with OSHA regulations, protect yourself from violations, and mitigate future events.

We made the data easier to access, but that won’t make a difference unless the data from events and near misses is actually being recorded. We get it — it can be hard to admit when you’ve made a mistake, especially when that mistake has jeopardized the safety of you and those around you. And it’s even harder to fess up if you fear that your job may be on the line. But at SafetyCommittee App, we see each accident as a learning opportunity, and we wanted to make it painless for employees to come forward when they’ve had a near miss.

So that’s exactly what we did: we designed SafetyCommitteeApp with an anonymous user access so that individuals can fearlessly report their near misses. Names are scrubbed from the record, and our multi-tiered user permissions mean that the only people who see the data are the people who are supposed to see it.

And once you’ve logged your events, analyzed your data, and are ready to talk it over with your organization … SafetyCommitteeApp can help with that part, too.

We developed “Take Fives,” five-minute discussion topics that are part reality check, part helpful reminder, and part real-life “what would you do?” scenarios that will help get the ideas and conversation flowing at your next safety committee meeting. Your subscription to SafetyCommitteeApp includes dozens of these “Take Fives,” so you can pick and choose the ones that your organization will find most useful. And after your safety committee meeting has wrapped up, store your meeting agendas and minutes safely on your SafetyCommitteeApp, where you’ll be able to quickly and easily find them the next time you need them.

The right data stored the right way can help organizations make informed choices about their safety. When we created SafetyCommitteeApp, we imagined a stress-free, uncomplicated app with no unnecessary frills — just what you need when you need it, so you can spend less time logging your occurrences and more time learning from them. And that is exactly what we bring to you now. Let SafetyCommitteeApp help you manage your organization’s safety, so you can strike one more thing off of that long list of things to worry about.


To join our beta program, email dave@safetycommitteeapp.com.



Pure Blue

Discovery, Design and Development. We build web applications and provide services that help you and your users. https://purebluedesign.com