March Town Hall Transcript

Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2022

A transcript of our latest Town Hall.

The following is a transcript of our latest town hall:


Dingo: Hey all, we’ll be kicking off our Town Hall now and taking questions for the next hour! For those of you tuning in for the first time these are pretty informal — we’ll be having Psykeeper, Turpintinz, and some of the Saffron team hang around in Telegram to answer any questions that you all might have. If you have a question about Saffron V2, our plans for 2022, requests for different pools, feature requests, etc. feel free to write it in the chat and we’ll address them on a first come, first serve basis. We’ve pushed out our new website and our KCC launch since our last town hall and we’ll do our best to answer as many questions as we can! Anyone is welcome to ask a question and start us off!

Zack: Hey everyone!

Psykeeper: Hi everyone :)

Turpintinz: Hi, all.

Dingo: For reference if you hadn’t read the welcome packet or been in our Discord, Turpintinz is one of our lead developers on Saffron. He’s poked his head in here a few times but he’ll be participating in this Town Hall as well :)


Q1: Hi Saffron Team:

Is there any plan about launching pools in this list? And will all of these pools need to be tested before on mainnet like Harmony?

Psykeeper: Hi, yes, our intention is to implement all of these chains and pools listed.

Q2: Do we have any plan to increase the farming rewards on Bancor?

Psykeeper: Yes, we can work with Bancor on this :)

Q3: It seems like we didn’t execute the SFi buy back on Bancor as the proposal says right?

Psykeeper: There hasn’t been a buy back planned or executed yet, but when there is, we will use Bancor for any swapping needed.

Regarding chains- were undergoing an audit for NEO3 right now. Still in the beginning phases

We want to release Avalanche and polygon staking as well — those should be the next 3 chains on our target list.

Q4: hi psy and team, what do you think is one of saffrons big goals for 2022 now that v2 is starting to roll out on kcc + neo?? are the big goals going to be v2 on new chains or new features?

Psykeeper: Our next priority is to get new pool types launched as soon as possible, as well as expand SFI single staking and LP staking to other chains. We’re also launching some non-DeFi product enhancements to our webpage (as part of the new website rollout) which includes saffron academy and saffron vision (a style data site).

Q5: I have another question, Is V2 web3 framework fully completed?

Psykeeper: Not yet! The final version will have a chain selector and a profile page as well as support for our new pool types

Turpintinz: I’m currently working on a Badger tranche pool, it’ll be on Ethereum.

Psykeeper: Building on that, Ethereum mainnet pools are also incredibly important for risk averse users. I think after we have a wide variety of coverage pools up and running there will be an opportunity to use the tranche mechanics of Saffron V2 for other use cases. Some examples are in the screenshot shared above — fixed interest, IL protection. I also think fixed income and the creation of generic single staking pools are areas where others aren’t looking right now.

Q6: are you guys going to be working with KCC any more after launching saffron v2?

Psykeeper: Yes, there is an ongoing competition promoted by KuCoin right now, and hope to integrate with some of the other DeFi protocols participating in it. It’s a good way for new protocols to gain users — through covered farming

Q7: ok ty, how important do u think insurance pools will be for cryptos in the future??

Turpintinz: I can answer more like this. Now, there is about $1.2 billion in DeFi insurance TVL. The worldwide insurance market is about $5.3 trillion. So, definitely a lot to grow.

Psykeeper: Risk mitigation will always be in demand in any market.

Turpintinz: But for a better apples to apples comparison, DeFi insurance makes up about 0.56% of total DeFi TVL. Whereas, the total insurance market to total equities is around 9.6%. So, DeFi insurance for DeFi itself still has a lot of room for growth.

Psykeeper: That’s a great statistic. Something to keep in mind while DeFi grows out of its infancy

Turptininz: …yea, imagine DeFi insurance dipping into the regular insurance market!

Q8: can you expand on the saffron academy portion of the website, what can we expect out of that section in the future?

Dingo: The Academy portion of the website will be rolling out shortly, right now we’re importing the frame-work that we’ve done across other platforms (Youtube, iTunes, Spotify, Medium, etc.) and having the website be a one-stop shop for all of that content. Once that’s up and running we’ll be diving a bit deeper into the education aspect. In the future, we’re looking to expand by having more in-depth lesson plans coming, more opportunities to educate new users through videos, podcasts, and written articles. There are some more expansive things that I would like to do but we’re still discussing them internally at the moment before we even hint publicly at them.

Q9: The LM rewards is over now (8 weeks since 26 Jan). Do we continue it or not?

Psykeeper: I will chat with the Bancor team regarding the LM rewards, I’m sure we can extend it.


That concludes our March Town Hall, there were a lot of great questions there and we hope to see you all at the next one!

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