Saffron Epoch 4

Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2020

Today marks the beginning of Saffron’s Epoch 4. This epoch contains two new pools, one of which is the second ever implementation of a Saffron tranche adapter in the wild.

Please note: the new pool contract was not audited and users should proceed with caution.

Below are the updated Liquidity Mining Rewards for epoch 4. Please note that the epoch mining subsidy halves for each epoch:

  • DAI/Compound Pool (200 SFI)
  • SFI/ETH Uniswap LP Pool (410 SFI)
  • SFI Staking Pool (210 SFI)
  • SFI/BTSE Uniswap LP Pool (100 SFI)
  • rSFI Staking Pool (210 SFI)
  • SFI/GEEQ Uniswap LP Pool (10 SFI)
  • SFI/ESD Uniswap LP Pool (50 SFI)
  • SFI/ETH SushiSwap LP Pool (410 SFI)
  • ibETH/Alpha Pool (50 SFI)
  • DAI/Rari Pool (200 SFI)
  • SFI/PRT Pool (25 SFI)

DAI/Rari Pool

The DAI/Rari pool is the first new addition of a Saffron tranche adapter to our web3 app and smart contract system since the beginning of Saffron’s journey. The DAI/Rari pool deposits DAI into Rari’s automated smart contract roboadvisor to earn better yield than supplying DAI to a single underlying protocol.

Composable smart contracts make it possible for Saffron to integrate Rari and for Rari to integrate Saffron. As you can see from these tweets below, Saffron has integrated Rari’s smart contracts…

… and Rari has shared some behind-the-scenes screenshots of their work integrating Saffron’s tranche adapters into their web3 app. This means no matter where you are on the web3 internet you should be able to make use of the code we’ve created. This is the true value of a protocol: composability and proliferation throughout a network of interconnected smart contract systems.

SFI/PRT Uniswap Pool

The SFI/PRT Uniswap pool is a result of our partnership with Portion, a network of digital artists, who will be invited to produce concept art for Saffron. This is a strategic partnership with the goal of increasing our brand awareness by bringing quality artwork to the Saffron media kit. Our partnership with Portion is outlined in these two blog posts from Saffron and Portion respectively:

The SFI/PRT pool is incentivized with 25 SFI from the Saffron protocol mining subsidy and 1,000,000 PRT tokens from Portion’s commitment to matching our rewards.


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