Saffron V2 pre-announcement

Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2021

Today marks the first day of the rest of Saffron’s future. As many of our community members already know, the very first Saffron V2 pool was released as a beta test on Binance Smart Chain in February. Since that time, we’ve gained immeasurable experience in the DeFi ecosystem, expanded the development and marketing team, planned for and funded our expansion into other chains, and teamed up with a number of crucial strategic partners along the way. These achievements will play an instrumental role in delivering Saffron V2.

Saffron V2 comes with a new interface that’s been optimized for mobile and is better equipped to display information about a user’s position as well as the entire Saffron protocol at a glance.

What about Saffron V1?

Until V2 is fully released, users can take advantage of our existing partner programs offering rewards for SFI staking:

  • SFI/ETH on Sushiswap by holding Sushi’s SLP tokens
  • SFI/PRT on Uniswap by holding SFI/PRT UNI-V2 LP tokens
  • SFI/WETH on DinoSwap by holding SFI/WETH SLP tokens on Polygon
  • SFI single-sided staking on Bancor with IL protection

Be on the lookout for other rewards and retroactive incentives for Saffron V1 participants.

When V2?

Saffron V2 will be rolled out incrementally over the next few weeks. We’ve completed a small first round of audits and will be submitting our code to auditors on a weekly basis as we build new pools based on our new Saffron V2 engine. The next round of audits are expected to be complete by September 6th.

Perpetual staking

Every Saffron V2 pool has a perpetual staking option for those who wish to implement a passive management strategy. Active management is also possible and becomes easier in Saffron V2. It is encouraged in some cases where APY rates on underlying platforms may vary over time.

Capped deposits

Unaudited Saffron V2 pools will launch with deposit caps that will eventually be lifted entirely once that pool has undergone a full round of audits.

Pool launch plan

The plan is to launch several different types of pools over the next few weeks.

Saffron Staking V2 pools

Saffron Staking V2 is a fork of Masterchef with a few of our own Saffron specific features added. The following pools are planned for Saffron Staking V2 off the bat:

  1. SFI staking pool
  2. SFI/ETH Uniswap
  3. SFI/ETH Sushiswap
  4. SFI/BTSE Uniswap
  5. SFI/ALPHA Uniswap
  6. PRT/ETH with bonus PRT rewards

Tranches coming to V2 beta

Saffron tranches have been completely overhauled in V2 with a number of additional features added, including:

  • autocompounding
  • multi-asset tranches
  • the concept of yield participants that are exclusively yield generators or yield receivers only
  • performance fees to be collected into the Saffron protocol treasury
  • …and much more

There is almost no limit to the creative use of tranche mechanics that we can explore with Saffron V2. Now that we’ve built a less restrictive epoch-free structure we can begin launching these pools in rapid response to the inherently fast pace of DeFi evolution.

The following pools (unaudited) are set for release in beta within 7–10 days with deposit caps:

  1. SFI/WETH (Sushiswap SLP) autocompounding on DinoSwap with senior tranche (50% coverage target); junior tranche (+20% yield target)
  2. DINO/WETH (Quickswap LP) autocompounding on DinoSwap with senior tranche (50% coverage target); junior tranche (+20% yield target)
  3. The classic DAI lending on Compound with senior tranche (20% coverage target); junior tranche (+285% yield target)
  4. WBTC lending on Compound with senior tranche (20% coverage target); junior tranche (+285% yield target)
  5. USDC lending on Compound with senior tranche (20% coverage target); junior tranche (+285% yield target)
  6. USDT lending on Compound with senior tranche (20% coverage target); junior tranche (+285% yield target)

Bringing these new pool types and unique features to life will add risk granularity and better options for DeFi users in a way that didn’t exist before Saffron. If you’ve got an idea you find particularly compelling for Saffron V2 then please join a channel below and share it with us. We’re always available to answer questions, take feedback, and build upon valid ideas for new ways to structure risk in the DeFi landscape.

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