Saffron Weekly (02/16/22)

Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2022

What’s new in the week of 2/16/22–2/22/22.

It’s a bit of a sparse week for Saffron news as most of the team is attending ETH Denver 2022, but your resident Dingo is here to hold down the fort and give out a few quick updates.

Saffron V2 Experimental Test Group

We’re currently running a beta test on Harmony (available here ) and we’re looking for feedback! We have a special telegram group for beta testers here that users can join to provide their feedback. There might even be a special prize in it for participants!

Before testing, here are some important things to keep in mind:

- The contracts are not audited and have a deposit cap of ~$15,000
- Yield and coverage numbers are correct and real earnings and economic activity is taking place on-chain
- The insurance tranche covers senior deposits and is a single-staking pool

Having these beta tests is a great way to utilize the experience of our community — considering we’re all DeFi native users here — to make sure the economics and the system work. We’ll be expanding this beta testing system to Avalanche, KCC, BSC, NEO3, Solana, and more over time so make sure to stay tuned!

Q1 2022 Feedback Survey

We’re compiling some more questions for our first feedback survey of 2022, if you have a question or a prompt that you feel would be beneficial for us to ask users about the Saffron protocol, please fill out this form.

Twitter Recap:

Let’s see what the buzz is around Saffron this week:

It’s a short update this week, but tune back in next week!

Community resources

Web3 app:

