Saffron Weekly (06/23/22)

Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2022

What’s new in the week of 6/23/22–6/29/22.

Bitcoin continues to passive-aggressively crab as we trudge knee-deep into the bear market. There isn’t a whole lot that we can publicly report on at the moment, especially after the banner month we had in Washington DC, but we’ll have some more developments coming later this summer. Here’s what we can share so far:

Developer Update

Turpintinz gives us a brief update on what he’s currently working on.

Hello, all. Regarding my development, I did get through my testing and fixing of the insurance fund contract for the Badger integration last week. I’ve moved onto addressing several TODO notes I’ve made that will clean up and optimize code. I do estimate completing those things this week.

Saffron V2 Whitepaper

As a reminder, the whitepaper for Saffron V2 will be releasing soon — we’ll be sure to update everyone when it’s formally out. It’s an incredibly comprehensive document and I think a lot of users will be extremely satisfied with it — our research team has certainly worked hard on it!

Experimental Pools Launching Soon

I don’t have too many details to share at this time, but Saffron users can expect to see new experimental pools being added in the near future. These have historically preformed really well for us and for our users — if you have a high risk tolerance (they are still experimental after all!) you can certainly take advantage of some aggressive yield. Stay tuned to our Twitter, Discord, and Telegram to see when these pools will be launching.

New Redesign

The above image is currently a mockup.

We have a new redesign for in the works and will be able to share more details with you all later this summer. What do you think of the new landing page so far? Any suggestions or improvements to offer? Let us know on Telegram!

That’s all for this week — after an important time out in Washington DC meeting with regulators we’re continue to hunker down and build in the bear market. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

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