Saffron Weekly (10/06/22)

Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2022

What’s new in the week of 10/06/22–10/13/22.

Here’s to the start of a great month! We have a proposal that’s finished and needs the community to provide further clarification, the renewal of Saffron Academy Podcast, developer updates, and more!

Saffron Staking Rewards Renewal Addendum

If you’ve been following our twitter — you’ll already be aware that voting has ended for the latest Saffron Staking rewards renewal proposal. To recap for those not in-the-know, our SFI staking rewards have ended and this was a proposal put forth by vd_eth aimed to renew them for another year. In the discussion multiple options were presented and readers interested in the original proposal discussion can use the link above or click here.

Option 4 (Sell treasury SFI for ETH and pool it to UniswapV2 and SushiSwap for DEX liquidity without staking rewards) ended up winning. However the parameters require some more discussion in order to enact on them — as its important to keep in mind that governance proposals need crystal clear specifics to ensure that we are enacting exactly the will of the community, or else we’ll need to hold another proposal to try and gain more clarity.

I highly encourage everyone to go visit the latest proposal topic and help the community come up with the details to vote further on.

Saffron V2 Vault Explainers

Saffron Weekly readers will recognize this above image as a past preview of our upcoming vaults page! We’re anticipating to hit the ground running with promoting our new vaults as soon as V2 is ready and we’ll be bringing back the highly requested video explainers (featuring yours truly, of course) to help onboard new and returning users to the protocol. In addition, we’re busy recording future episodes of the Saffron Academy podcast so that we are able to strongly cart ahead into 2023.

Developer Update

Turpintinz gives us another development update:

I’ve been working on implementing the BADGER/WBTC vault insurance fund and fixing up the tests. The smart contract is coded and I’m now working on updating the tests impacted by the changes. Their completion is very close, but, unfortunately my development time the first half of this week has been blocked by non-Saffron things. I’m looking to completing fixing those insurance fund-related tests by the end of this week.

See you all next week!

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