SAG 2021 — Week 8 Report

Stuey Clue
SAG Weekly Reports
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2021

Halloween. The spookiest time of the year. Or is it the sexiest time of the year? Social media these days is a confusing place, or perhaps this says more about who I follow on Instagram.

While we’re on the topic of social media as a place, the Metaverse was thrust upon the world from the foil-boarding hips of the Zuck.

What 4th of July will look like in the Metaverse…

What will happen to fantasy football in the Metaverse? Will we see TacoCorp and Patches, resplendent as their respective avatars, duking it out in a future SAG Bowl, digital teams scurrying across a digital field, all observed from the comfort of our couches whilst wearing our Occulus headsets and waiting to head out for a NYE party…digitally? No doubt the league history and prize pool will be managed over smart contract via the Etherum blockchain, while the Commissioner’s Office will be reduced to a series of rules and revert into a DAO (‘decentralized autonomous organization’).

Scary thought isn’t it? Seems like the needle on this week has swung back away from the sexy zone. There were definitely a few nightmares for GMs this week. Injuries, COVID protocols, game time withdrawals, it was a strange strange week. It's interesting to look back at the results of the week and there actually isn’t many surprises apart from Mike White steering the Jets to win over the Bengals. But to watch the games, it was a real rollercoaster. Plus it wouldn’t be Halloween without a visit from the Wolfman. It was a true Dias de Los Muertos special as well — the double wolfman. Not only did the 2nd highest scorer of the week lose, but the second lowest scorer won. Head to head is so brutal. You can throw a blanket over the middle teams too; it was a scary close round.

Let's look at the games.

Channel4 defeated Rubbers

One does not simply go away on a long weekend with players on ‘Questionable’ status…

Dak’s game time decision sent absolute chaos riddled anxiety rippling through the C4NT organization. With the front office enjoying returning freedoms by heading away on a management retreat, it was a fortunate period of mobile coverage that delivered the dreaded ‘you have inactive players in your starting lineup’ notification. Cooper Rush (great name, looks like a version of Andy Dalton from Wish) stepped up and didn’t look great but ensured the chocolates were enjoyed post getaway. Rubbers took a brief lead during the MNF game, but Kelce doesn’t do negative scores and was able to haul in a 10 yarder to bring his total back into the positive and drop an un-lubed thumb into the Rubbers claim on a second victory. Final Margin — 0.28 point victory.

Slippery Gypsies WOLFMANNED Co-cainers

Insult to injury as The King copped a 6–10 week injury during this hit out for the Cainers. Stumbling in the middle part of the season now, it feels like there is a torrent of trade activity brewing after this one. Gypos left a doughnut in the score line and still managed the highest score. There’s a bit of a shimmy and shake starting to develop to the Gypo strut the past few weeks. I’d say he’s backing himself to make a meaningful impact to the playoffs this year. Reckon he’s getting excited about mixing it up in Wildcard Week this year.


This was forecast to be a belter, instead we got dribble. Only 2 players in this match broke the 20 point mark. In fact, Cainer’s season high water mark of 188 would have beaten both of these teams combined. Bit of a reality check for Djangos, possibly the misstep he needed to get the focus on for the business end. And reality as we’ve come to expect from Tacos who are all over the shop as a matter of due course.

The JABs defeated Patches

A tight one again that installs a new ladder leader. Fittingly the incumbent was defeated for JABs to assume the mantle at the top of the SAG pile as we head into the back half of the season. Solid scoring from both teams with no sparkling standouts and only few individuals that missed the mark on the downside that made the difference. With the margin being just under the 3point mark, JABs squeaked ahead in the Sunday night game with Kirk doing enough under center doing enough to get the JABs over the line, but not so for the Vikes.

Stay tuned for further WhatsApp action this week, I’m wanting to get a few froths on Saturday if anyone is keen and available.

2nd and Goals,

Commish Clue.



Stuey Clue
SAG Weekly Reports

1st time writer, long time reader - my thoughts range from Personal Finance (day job), struggling scribbler (hobby), Fantasy Football Commissioner (my calling).