Saga’s High Level Tokenomics

Saga Foundation
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2024

The total supply of $Saga at TGE is one billion tokens distributed as below:

Core Contributors (20%)

The OG Saganauts part of the core team who have been (and will be) working tirelessly to bring Saga into existence. Tokens subject to a 3 year lockup with a 1 year cliff starting at TGE. Unallocated and undistributed portions are held in the foundation until distribution.

Fundraising (20%)

The investors who shared in our vision of Saga. 15% has been allocated so far, and the remaining 5% will be held for future fundraising rounds. Tokens subject to a 3 year lockup with a 1 year cliff starting at TGE. Unallocated and undistributed portions are held in the foundation until distribution.

Ecosystem and Development (30%)

The Ecosystem and Development bucket is designed to expand the Saga ecosystem post-launch. These tokens will be used to fund communities and developers that augment and improve the Saga experience.

Foundation Reserve (10%)

Reserve for the foundation for use cases outside of fundraising, development and ecosystem expansion.

Airdrops (20%)

$SAGA tokens will be distributed to builders, stakers, hodlers and general end users that exhibit helpful behaviors for the Saga ecosystem. The 20% allocation will be distributed over multiple stages:

  1. 4.5% of total supply of tokens were allocated for our genesis airdrop(45,000,000 tokens). 15mm were claimed and distributed at TGE. The unclaimed portion will be distributed over airdrop events over time.
  2. 4.5% of total supply of tokens were distributed at TGE for Binance Launchpool
  3. 11% of total supply of tokens will be airdropped through multiple retroactive airdrop events

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