Saga Notes — Note, Plan, Take Action!

Georg Schmidl
Saga Notes
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2019

“Heroes don’t just sit around — they take action.” (Linguee)

We, of all species, have the great gift of being able to influence and shape our future. We can dream and have ideas about how we want to live our lives and make our lives and the lives of others better.

But often ideas are lost in our everyday life, we forget about them or dismiss them because they are too complicated or too hard to do.

Saga Notes is designed to make it easy to capture your thoughts, structure them into something tangible and take action to make them a reality.

Your Sagas

“Saga — A long story of heroic achievement.” (Google Dictionary)

Think about anything you want to do, to achieve, to change or to get better at as a saga where you will be the hero. This could be your personal life in general, your diet, a hobby, a sport, a project, household chores, political engagement, your workweek, anything.

The first step is to create a saga. In Saga Notes, you can open a drawer by swiping from left to right with your finger. From there you can create and access your sagas.

Let’s say you want to cook more for the benefit of eating healthier or eating less processed food. We create a saga named “Cooking”.’

The note

Now you can create notes in your saga. Let’s start simple by making spaghetti. Tap the button at the lower bottom to create a note. Type “Spaghetti” for the title and note down that you want to cook a simple spaghetti meal.

Noting down your idea is an important first step. You can do it anywhere you are at the moment and the thought will not be lost.

The Plan

Next, when you come back to your note, add more information and give it structure. You might googled some spaghetti recipes and decided to cook spaghetti with tomato sauce and olives. First, write down the ingredients.

Next, swipe to the left on your initial note and delete it, because we don’t need it anymore. Then use the yellow convert button to make a checklist of your ingredients and add a heading.

Now add the steps to cook the spaghetti and the sauce. You can use the convert button to create a list.

The next step is to check off all the ingredients you have in your house already.

Create a new “Shopping list” heading and move the ingredients you need to buy via drag & drop there. Add two additional todos, one to go shopping on Monday and one to invite Simone for cooking on Tuesday.

Take Action!

Congratulations, you have now a solid plan for when you want to go shopping, the shopping list and to invite someone for cooking. The only thing left is to take action and go through with the tasks in your note!

What’s next?

After you cooked your first meal you should keep the note in your cooking saga. You can come back to it later, maybe change the recipe, add ingredients and create a new shopping list. There is now a new meal at your hand you can make anytime.

This was just an example, but the principle can be applied to many things in your live. Take action, make your ideas real and improve on it. Step by step.

Saga Notes for iOS

Saga Notes is available for free in the App Store. Try it out! And if you like the idea, consider supporting us with a subscription so we can develop and improve Saga Notes further :)



Georg Schmidl
Saga Notes

Software Developer. Founder of Backtick Labs. Creator of Saga Notes for iOS.