Saga and Infinity Keys Announce Strategic Partnership

Rebecca Liao
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2022

Saga is pleased to announce a partnership with Infinity Keys, a Web3 project that is building a no-code creator tools platform for brands and fans to build engaging metaverse treasure hunt experiences. Their goal is to build a series of demo hunts and puzzles to show the power of engagement using scalable games with opt-in Web3 NFTs. If this sounds like something that could unlock Ready Player One on the blockchain, then you might understand our excitement in regards to this partnership.

Be sure to check out our Twitter Space with Infinity Keys from August 3, 2022 to learn more about this exciting announcement.

About Infinity Keys and the Saga Innovator Program

Saga is building Web3 infrastructure solutions to enable developers to build applications with their own dedicated blockspace. Dedicated blockspace ensures high throughput, no dependencies on other applications using Saga, easy upgradability and congestion relief. In addition, gas fees for infrastructure remain predictable and are by default hidden from the end user, allowing developers to use any token or currency for their applications. The automated deployment of dedicated blockspace will be secured via interchain security by the same set of validators that underlie the Saga mainnet.

InfinityKeys is building KeyMaker, a platform that builders can use to lock digital treasure on the blockchain to incentivize a wide variety of players actions aimed at unlocking the treasure. This model aims to extend engagement by providing incentivized activities that can act as proof-of-effort to reduce botting for launches, enable brands to give ticketed experiences to provably passionate online fans, provide access control for NFT or smart contract interactions, promote cross-community collaborations, and more.

In coming months, Saga and InfinityKeys will explore joint activities around scavenger hunts across communities and at our events designed to promote Saga tools to developers. In addition, InfinityKeys will also evaluate Saga’s AlphaNet when it launches in the coming months.

In Their Own Words

“One of the most valuable applications of Web3 tech is the ability to connect across many decentralized protocols using composable infrastructure. Infinity Keys is exploring how this works in gaming and engagement to connect multiple projects and communities together. Saga is a clear example of how to implement this Web3 value-add by giving creators the tools to create composable yet scalable systems for their dapps, and we’re excited to explore games and puzzles across dapps in the Saga ecosystem.” Andy Boyan, PhD, Infinity Keys Co-Founder.

“Inifinity Keys is going after the holy grail of gaming and entertainment, which is active and prolonged user engagement. As the Web3 space matures, these are the kinds of products that games and NFT projects will need in order to grow and scale at an industry-wide magnitude. We’re honored to support Infinity Keys on their journey towards branching out to as many communities and ecosystems as possible with gamified interactions.” Rebecca Liao, Co-Founder & CEO at Saga

Get Connected

Learn more about Infinity Keys and sign up for email updates, click here. Follow them on Twitter or join their Discord.

To learn more about Saga’s approach to blockchain gaming, click here. Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

