Saga and Ludex Strategic Partnership

Shayan Ghose
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2023

Saga is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Ludex, a Web3 project that provides solutions for video game developers to easily implement blockchain smart contracts into their games utilizing conventional SDKs and APIs. Their mission is to enable any game developer to build a full web3 game with no blockchain experience or knowledge required. Their full suite of products consists of a Unity SDK, a JavaScript SDK, in-game p2p transfers and much more.

Be sure to check out our Twitter Space to learn more about this exciting announcement.

About Ludex and the Saga Innovator Program

Saga is building Web3 infrastructure solutions to enable developers to build applications with their own dedicated blockspace. Dedicated blockspace ensures high throughput, no dependencies on other applications using Saga, easy upgradability and congestion relief. In addition, gas fees for infrastructure remain predictable and are by default hidden from the end user, allowing developers to use any token or currency for their applications. The automated deployment of dedicated blockspace will be secured via interchain security by the same set of validators that underlie the Saga mainnet.

Ludex has also built a dashboard that can allow one to easily manage games, keys, challenges and much more. The dashboard is a useful user interface for game devs to use in order to track the progress of the interaction between their game and our protocol. Within the dashboard the homepage presents the user with daily, weekly and monthly stats for your game. One can also manage game keys, challenges and payout options from their respective tabs as well!

Ludex will be exploring Saga and our chainlet infrastructure to support the rich suite of games that will debut on our platform.

In Their Own Words

“A big part of the value proposition of “web3 gaming” comes from the idea that there is a very real mix between digital entertainment and monetary value that can and should be retained by the players. It’s safe to say that the current community of web3 gamers is highly enticed by the possibility of somehow monetizing their time and energy spent on a Video Game. Ludex protocol simply aims to provide sustainable models to developers and gamers to do exactly that: play and monetise. Pvp Tournaments have been around forever and blockchain is just an evolutionary step in web technology that (amongst many other things) allows for a better tournament & wagering experience than ever before.” Diego Parra, Co-Founder & CEO,

“Ludex is building a fantastic gaming infra platform that sits between the chain and the game. Game developers have no shortage of need for this kind of platform in their tech stacks, and we’re thrilled to have Ludex as a part of our Innovator Program!” Rebecca Liao, Co-Founder & CEO, Saga.

Get Connected

To learn more about Ludex, please visit their website, or follow them on Twitter.

To learn more about Saga’s approach to blockchain communication, click here. Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

